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I'm drowning here!


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Has anyone taken a headcount lately of the published mods with the word "immersive" in the title? The word has no meaning now: every mod is immersive! I'm immersed to the point of drowning now every time I view the latest mods. Perhaps it's time that NexusMods make it policy that no mods can have "Immersive" in the title? I'm only half kidding....

Edited by VulcanTourist
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Well immersive sure does get mods a lot of endorsements, giving that a majority of all mods that are high rated/downloaded (Except from Unofficial patches and SkyUI) have either "Realistic" "Immersive" "HD" or it all in one name :D




also immersive is a catchy name. Immersive also to many people means to drag you into another state, like you are living inside the world.

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Yes we are all aware it is over used. Pretty much for all the reasons Ball said, from a casual observance "immersive" seems to be the hot keyword to use to get your mod noticed though that completely neglects that making a mod that either actually is immersive or is at least of high quality is also a requirement for high endorsements. At least if they put "immersive" in the title it's more likely they'll show up in a search with the big names... waaaaay down the page with zero endorsements but still there *shrugs.*

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To be fair, anything can be immersive. The word has never had any real meaning. My Little Pony is what it takes for you to be immersed? Well, then the MLP mod is immersive. You need High-Res textures to feel immersed? Well, then that 'HD Immersive Rocks' is immersive to you.


All the April Fools day mods this day have been poking fun at this "immersive" thing, so that may be why you are seeing so insanely many of them right now.



Personally, mods that contains the word "immersive" does not intrigue me at all. I'll much rather click on a mod that has an interesting/catchy title (Frostfall, Perkus Maximus, etc.), or that just has a practical title for what it does (SkyUI, Helgen Reborn, etc.).

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