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I jus killed the Legendary Fire Gecko in one shot. Ok, granted, it was a critical sneak headshot with an anti materiel rifle, and 100 guns skill, and I was juiced up on psycho. But in all fairness, I'm playing on Very Hard Difficulty, and used to taking every advantage I can get to survive.


I wonder if the other legendary creatures will be more challenging

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believe me, you have no idea


i have killed that one, i have killed the legendary Cazador, and even the legendary Deathclaw

believe me, they deserve their titles

besides, when you kill them with sneak attacks, it doesn't really let you see how legendary they are

i mean, in my last game, i shot the Legate in the head with the Anti Material rifle with a sneak attack, and it nearly killed him

didn't make the bastard any less brutal in the actual fight that followed......


but if you plan to not do sneak attacks on the other legendary enemies, than you should prepare yourself for the fight (i would say put land mines and such, and get a good fast shooter, like the unique minigun or something like that)

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Stealth combat tends to nullify the difficulty of most foes, no matter how strong they'd otherwise be. You won't see much challenge outside of direct confrontation or heavy modding. But keep in mind, unless a target can actually see you, reach and engage you, the only thing that really changes is how many shots you need to bring it down.
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Stealth combat tends to nullify the difficulty of most foes, no matter how strong they'd otherwise be. You won't see much challenge outside of direct confrontation or heavy modding. But keep in mind, unless a target can actually see you, reach and engage you, the only thing that really changes is how many shots you need to bring it down.


I wondered why I was slaughtering my way through the game, putting it down to my mint condition SVD, 90 something small-arms and spending game hours hacking round the landscape to find the best shooting position. I crouched for a steadier aim not sneak as creatures aren't close to detecting me from that range. . . Oops! 8)

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Perhaps sneak attacks are overpowered?


I too crouch for the better aim. It seems to give better odds of hitting in vats, and less swaying with manual aiming.


The legendary deathclaw sounds like fun though. Normal deathclaws are killing me in three hits atm (lv21, Ranger Combat Armour) and I managed to crawl my way up the I-15 inch by inch, using up most of my .50 ammo stock on the bastards. It seems like they take about four headshots at this difficulty, although one well placed sneak shot seems to do it, too.

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if it works the same as in FO3 and Oblivion, sneak attacks deal about 6 times the damage

this may just be overpowered, but believe me, there will be times that you will wish it was overpowered, as it just might save your dirty sandy skin


one option, if you want, as a last resort for really tough fights, is to get a very special weapon

this could only be done if you have the Wild Wasteland trait (which is basically worth it, even if just for this weapon)

if you have it, go way up north to Horrowitz Farmstead (it is just east of the main road, close to the meeting with the other road, north east of the strip, can't recall the road numbers)

go north of that place, and you should see a large hill ridge (if i recall correctly, that is the edge of the map) and just before it, on a heightened stretch of land, you should see three of your old friends from FO3

the leader has the amazing jewel of a weapon that you want

now, i don't know if he can use it, so sniping him is your best option


without the Wild Wasteland perk, you will find there three mercs, and one has a rather good unique weapon, but there is nothing stronger than that special gun you can find there with the Wild Wasteland perk


and if you want even more info on that one, it has a damage of 100 (!! i know, that's wicked!!) and also 100% critical chance (just destructive, right) and is probably only surpassed by the Archemedes II


sorry for the long spoiler, if you weren't interested in it, i am truly sorry

but it should help a little, for those in need of some help :)

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The whole point of sniping is that the enemy has little to no idea where the shots are coming from. Sneak criticals add extra damage that should be bypassing the damage threshold. It makes a bit of sense, as an unaware target wouldn't be trying to dodge bullets or take cover. It's not really 6 times the damage, its generally more or less double damage, though with weapons that fire multiple projectiles per shot, I'm pretty sure in vats that if one projectile crits, the rest do, so with weapons like a shotgun, it can make a big difference since each projectile is now doing about twice its value in damage but no longer affected by the DT of the enemy target.


If this were FO3, it be a different story, as a single shot used to immediately notify any enemies of exactly where you are unless the weapon was silent, like a dart gun or the pit silenced assault rifles, even if using a stealthboy or "real" Chinese stealth armor. However, if the weapon was silent, you could effectively unload as much as you want without enemies seeing through the cloaking effects. In FONV, cazadores will see through it as soon as they get close enough, though I would think with compound eyes it be even harder to see something that bends that much light....

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The whole point of sniping is that the enemy has little to no idea where the shots are coming from. Sneak criticals add extra damage that should be bypassing the damage threshold. It makes a bit of sense, as an unaware target wouldn't be trying to dodge bullets or take cover. It's not really 6 times the damage, its generally more or less double damage, though with weapons that fire multiple projectiles per shot, I'm pretty sure in vats that if one projectile crits, the rest do, so with weapons like a shotgun, it can make a big difference since each projectile is now doing about twice its value in damage but no longer affected by the DT of the enemy target.


If this were FO3, it be a different story, as a single shot used to immediately notify any enemies of exactly where you are unless the weapon was silent, like a dart gun or the pit silenced assault rifles, even if using a stealthboy or "real" Chinese stealth armor. However, if the weapon was silent, you could effectively unload as much as you want without enemies seeing through the cloaking effects. In FONV, cazadores will see through it as soon as they get close enough, though I would think with compound eyes it be even harder to see something that bends that much light....


didn't know that part about the stealth criticals

thanks for the info, it's really good to know :)


as for enemies seeing through the cloaking effect, it's not just Cazadors

with a 50 points stealth field, just as i entered the building that has the bunker in Ceaser's camp (the building with the Lucky 38 bunker) i was immediately spotted

though if you stay a little away from the enemies, they may never see you at all ( i managed to kill all the people in Ceaser's tent without being spotted at all this way, with the 50 point stealth field


basically, stay too close to an NPC, and he will spot you rather easily

but if you can stay a little away from him, you might never be spotted at all

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There are several factors to consider - scripting and such, if you've got companions tagging along, dogs (sniffers) present, etc. I remember how annoying the tent used to be till I started having companions wait outside and used a single stealthboy or "real" chinese stealth armor or some other stealth type addon. Cazadores really surprised me, because of everything I've fought, they're the only mob that I've caught seeing through it even though I was sneaking, field up, and no partner in sight. I hadn't even fired a shot but just sitting (crouching) in front of the south nevada wind farm they decided to investigate. No other mob I've seen will investigate to that extent if you're hidden as they have no idea you're there.
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The L. Cazador isn't that hard mainly because he spawns when you're one level above him, giving you ample opportunity to whittle his health down. Infact, not once has it ever flown up to the second level for me; all it does is buzz around the first level aimlessly, which makes it ridiculously easy for me to kill him.


The L. Deathclaw is not to be screwed around with though, he's tough as hell. I had to take Boone with me, both of us armed with .50 cal AM rifles. Boone got in a few hits before the Deathclaw knocked his ass out, and came for me. Luckily Boone weakened him pretty good for me, so I blasted the deathclaw's head off with 2 shots, just as he was about to banzai charge me.


Most recently I took down the L. Deathclaw with one shot from This Machine at a short distance. Normal difficulty (Guns 97) though, so I don't know how it'd do against him at harder difficulties.

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