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.ini file


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Thanks for all the suggestions you didn't give. I just reinstalled, and it worked. Then I checked my text editor's settings...


When editing Morrowind.ini, save in Windows format, not Unix.


I just downloaded Sword of Perithia and it says to copy and save the Morrowind.ini in a safe place, but I can't find the Morrowind.ini file. Could you please tell me where to find it.

Thank you soo much.

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Split this post off from the other thread - it was already 3 months old and your post was a bit OT. ^^;


As for your question, you can find the ini file in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind (if you used the default install location).


Then again, if I were you, I wouldn't bother. Sword of Perithia is pretty rubbish (I've played it, trust me). :P

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