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So, I found this awesome looking mod on steam (Amazing Race Tweaks! Wood Elf: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=319356543&searchtext=), however I don't play on steam so I was wondering if some amazing person could/would put it on Nexus?
Not 100% sure how it all works but that would be stellar if it could happen. Specifically for the the Wood Elf one, once again. It makes the Wood Elf racial abilities actually worthwhile, with animal followers, tracking, elven reflexes, etc. Pretty cool stuff.

Thanks all :smile:

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Clarification: I did not buy my game through steam, I bought it as a disc from amazon and actually have not opened it yet. However I heard that all legit skyrim games disc or steam download will be verified on steam, and thus have access to the steam workshop mods. Is this true?

Edited by ProtecterOfValenwood
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You need Steam regardless of how you got Skyrim (either digital download or disk purchase). You need to register the game via Steam when you install the game, no matter what.


You get access to the Steam Workshop when you install Steam.


And to answer your first question: the mod author of that mod you linked in the Workshop would need to give permission to have it upload on Nexus.

Edited by ZeroKing
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