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So I thought of another possibly good mod to make that involves ballistas! I'm not sure how many of you had to fight and kill a dragon over a city or your own home but it sucks cause they rarely land on the ground and you can waste a lot of arrows that way. So why not add ballista to the towers of your homes and holds? It would be a great way to kill dragons flying above or just have fun and shoot animals or people. Let me know if you have any questions or comments : )


And don't forget to look at my other posts for some other cool ideas for mods!

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Why not a deployable one? If Frostfall can allow you to place items by dropping them (tents, sleeping bags, ect) from your inventory then what if you had a dwemer cube that when dropped from your inventory turns into a ballista! Would just require flattish ground like in Frostfall. I dont see why something like that wouldnt be possible.

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I've seen a mod that is pretty much exactly like that. Probably on steamworkshop. Anyways ballistas/their scripts are rather sketchy and not fun to work with. The model has the ballista's stand attached to it, so you cannot place it everywhere without it looking odd.

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