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Music for a Skyrim video should be..?


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Hello! I am Crysum. Greetings to you.
And i am making a compilation video of combat and adventuring in Skyrim!! But, i would very much like your all help or just opinion on a very frank question before i can be done with this video. Which is.

What music should a Skyrim video have?

I was thinking a battle-theme soundtrack from any JRPG at first. Then i looked through dubstep meant for first-person shooter styled montages. But then i thought that something more original and/or lore fitting would be neat. Composing my own music track is kind of out of the question, although i considered that once.


To give you a precise idea about the video i need music for now, it has 75% combat scenes, 24.7% camera pan and 0.3% nosebleed. I think i want music to be combat based but not overly intense, allowing for some slow scenes too. Preferably don't want to edit the video with interrupting music, just letting it roll on throughout the whole video.


Well. Let the comments flow. If there are to be any. If you want to be of help with the video i'm working on now or have any ideas like "this is what i'd want to hear" thoughts on the subject in general,, please go down a bit and comment. Thank you~~~



Oh. Btw. This is also my first thread in these forums so it's okay to consider this my beginner/introduction post too. (^^)


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Maybe you could consider this? Also, I'd recommend having a look at all of Scott Buckley's videos because they are very well done, and he allows them to be used freely (Creative Commons).


I think this may actually work! Thank you for the link. I found a surprisingly small amount of Elder Scrolls remix music when i searched youtube myself. (^^)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIp6fvAFlmw">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIp6fvAFlmw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295">


Video is done. (^^) No remix used, goen with the original soundtracks cute-dubstep. :3

Edited by Crysumpom
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