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New Vegas Mod Detectives


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There was this mod, "Tactical Weapons Pack", in The NV Nexus, but it got removed. I think it was because the guy just crammed lots of weapon packs together without giving credit. I can send you the base file, but can you find who made this pack and all those authors of files he used? I'm gonna repost that mod. Edited by hcnop123
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I need help finding two mods. I remember seeing one mod where the rebreather didn't have a model so you didn't have this big clunky mask on your face, and the other made it able to shoot underwater with, I think, only one handed guns. Edited by DustyVegas
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Bit of a long request here:

I'm trying to figure out what has added a strange dialogue option to Arcade. I know it is due to a mod, as removing all mods also removed the option - this was also hinted at by the lack of voices for most of the branch. I did not think I had used any mods to add dialogue to Arcade so the appearance of this option is confusing.


Arcade has been recruited for some time, though For Auld Lang Syne hasn't been started yet as I'm not far enough in the main quests.


Mystery dialogue (screenshots):

Player: [speech 75] Who are you?

Arcade (unvoiced): Hmm. That seems appropriately resolute and yet vague. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go with you, but let me be clear about something.

Arcade (unvoiced): If you plan to help Caesar's Legion, this is going to be a brief relationship.

Arcade (unvoiced): I may not have all the answers to Freeside's problems, but Caesar taking control isn't part of the solution. Fair?


At this point, the player's only option is to say:

Player: Oh, well... in that case, never mind.


Arcade is unsurprisingly not pleased by this response. He replies with voiced dialogue, saying he's not sure why the player would expect a Follower to support the Legion. (The voiced dialogue must have been repurposed from another branch in the vanilla game).


I can't find this dialogue branch in the GECK, although I may be looking in the wrong places. I didn't think any of my mods might add this, but one of them must. Load order:

Active Mod Files:


00  FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]
01  DeadMoney.esm [CRC: D70F165B]
02  HonestHearts.esm [CRC: 2352B189]
03  OldWorldBlues.esm [CRC: 7F8F8225]
04  Advanced Recon Tech.esm [CRC: 868A8CC1]
05  CINEMATECH.esm [CRC: 4080EE0F]
06  Sortomatic.esm [CRC: 74556D13]
07  decwithreg.esm [CRC: 3E1EA0BC]
08  Decrucifixion.esm  [Version 1.1] [CRC: 91739C33]
09  Detect Traps.esm [CRC: C3E1EE49]
0A  Fiends, With Style.esm [CRC: C8B5C2F8]
0B  Frequency.esm [CRC: 4124E414]
0C  OFT_Merge_All.esm [CRC: 16429F75]
**  NVCE Main (Faces Only).esm [CRC: CC26C1CC]
0D  NVR-Strip.esm [CRC: 35B57DF8]
0E  NVInteriors_Core.esm [CRC: 697E367E]
0F  Primary Needs HUD.esm [CRC: D5F10B4D]
10  Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: EDE609EF]
11  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 7F067E96]
12  Companion Core.esm [CRC: F3B2CBDD]
13  RobCo Certified.esm [CRC: 84F060A0]
14  rePopulated Wasteland.esm [CRC: 613090A2]
15  Selective Fire.esm  [Version 1.26] [CRC: 30D884C4]
16  Tales from the Burning Sands.esm  [Version 1.22b] [CRC: 9BBED7A6]
17  Weapon Mod Expansion.esm [CRC: 43D90630]
18  WME - Dead Money.esm [CRC: 961FD236]
19  WME - Honest Hearts.esm [CRC: A8751383]
1A  WME - Old World Blues.esm [CRC: 7772DE15]
1B  WMVM.esm [CRC: 870AA5DE]
1C  ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm [CRC: EC7EB1BE]
1D  aHUD.esm [CRC: 00D2CDA3]
1E  iHUD.esm [CRC: 46F2F170]
1F  NSkies URWLified.esm [CRC: 47F8410D]
20  NVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esm [CRC: 5F1A8B5E]
21  Compiled Patch.esp [CRC: F68ACE25]
22  Compiled Patch - DeadMoney.esp [CRC: 9F0AD9DD]
23  Compiled Patch - HonestHearts.esp [CRC: 63D1B242]
24  Compiled Patch - OldWorldBlues.esp [CRC: 7C13412F]
25  RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp [CRC: 4D7D7E42]
26  MojaveLoadingScreens.esp [CRC: 56C36BC1]
27  HUD Extended.esp [CRC: A36B1E1E]
28  DarNifiedUINV.esp [CRC: E46691F1]
29  CASM.esp [CRC: 0ECCEF43]
2A  DistantCompanionsFix.esp [CRC: A72D7C7B]
2B  Immersive Compass Markers.esp [CRC: 342809CA]
2C  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.2] [CRC: CADD67E1]
++  Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs.esp [CRC: 7993FF16]
2D  NVCE DLC01.esp [CRC: CB761A9C]
2E  NVCE DLC02.esp [CRC: 47E9E7F8]
++  NVCE DLC03.esp [CRC: 1C982CD7]
++  1st Recon Revised.esp [CRC: 2D4E84EE]
++  1st Recon Revised - NPC Cosmetic Fixes.esp [CRC: A2A726D9]
2F  FixedUpAtomicWranglerApartment.esp [CRC: 8E2E394E]
30  brahmin-variant.esp [CRC: 0E36BB3B]
31  GRARG.esp [CRC: 296B51E9]
32  ExtendedNVRadio (Secret Stash).esp [CRC: ADFE451B]
33  RadioClassical.esp [CRC: 286A7284]
++  rePopulated Wasteland - NPC Cosmetic Fixes.esp [CRC: 700DF8C1]
++  Project Nevada - NPC Cosmetic Fixes.esp [CRC: 7566FFDF]
34  NVR-NPCs.esp [CRC: DEAE3309]
35  SRDG.esp [CRC: 8C751E4B]
36  Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp [CRC: 372636E9]
++  Vault_34_better_reactor.esp [CRC: C5282F23]
37  Free the Slaves.esp [CRC: C3759406]
38  Goodsprings Filler.esp [CRC: 52E822F2]
39  RustTownV1-1.esp [CRC: CE646B5D]
3A  The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [CRC: CECE1646]
3B  Sortomatic_1-22Hotfix.esp [CRC: CB0975B7]
3C  Sortomatic - Harper's Shack.esp [CRC: 8586CA2C]
3D  Sortomatic - Hunter's Farm.esp [CRC: 24ED30A7]
3E  Sortomatic - Safehouses.esp [CRC: C0B4E9F7]
3F  Sortomatic - Victor's Shack.esp [CRC: 1CED3A14]
40  Sortomatic - Wolfhorn Ranch.esp [CRC: 63CD9787]
41  Sortomatic - Yangtze Shack.esp [CRC: EB3C3866]
42  NVR_rePopulated Wasteland_Patch.esp [CRC: 26497B8A]
43  NVR-ELECTRO-CTIY_Patch.esp [CRC: 76823485]
44  NVR-Version_10.esp [CRC: 8AFECB3C]
45  Perks for Challenges.esp [CRC: DC13BC69]
46  ImprovedTerrifyingPresence.esp [CRC: 4596AD2C]
++  Classic FO SM_v1.2.esp [CRC: 9DA8A14E]
47  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 3D8693B2]
48  Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp [CRC: 507ADFFB]
49  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: E6D45D29]
4A  Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp [CRC: D37F2FF3]
4B  Selective Fire - Project Nevada.esp [CRC: 8E3BDE15]
4C  Frequency - Project Nevada Patch.esp [CRC: DD1BD91E]
4D  lexx-q-warehouse-war-house.esp [CRC: 899028CC]
4E  NewVegasBounties.esp [CRC: A5BD47FE]
++  Detect Traps - Perk.esp [CRC: 31C0E60B]
4F  Decrucifixion.esp  [Version 1.1] [CRC: C2A74022]
50  Decrucifixion - More Victims.esp  [Version 1.1] [CRC: 97181C44]
51  Frequency - Dead Money Patch.esp [CRC: F0F530C0]
52  Frequency - Honest Hearts Patch.esp [CRC: 2405CFFC]
53  Frequency - Old World Blues Patch.esp [CRC: 31118BB4]
54  Improved Non Combat XP-Orchid.esp [CRC: 523566DE]
++  NoHarassingTheKing.esp [CRC: BD04DFB4]
55  WMVM-DM.esp [CRC: 30AAF490]
56  WMVM-OWB.esp [CRC: 4EA37F68]
57  Energy Conversion Converter.esp [CRC: F5889FC9]
58  Advanced Recon Gear.esp [CRC: 5F566502]
59  Advanced Recon Tech.esp [CRC: DCCF98ED]
++  Advanced Recon Tech - Detect Traps.esp [CRC: 59C7CE06]
++  better that gun 223.esp [CRC: 40C10B5E]
++  old vaquero includes that gun.esp [CRC: 55EF2A5F]
5A  Advanced Recon Armor.esp [CRC: 42938886]
5B  Advanced Recon Desert Ranger Helmet.esp [CRC: 0A123725]
5C  Advanced Recon Range Finder.esp [CRC: 1DB3843C]
5D  Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp [CRC: ABADC5B0]
5E  Brotherhood Armor.esp [CRC: C92DE642]
++  Brotherhood Armor - NPC Cosmetic Fixes.esp [CRC: B52FCC10]
5F  Colossus T49.esp [CRC: BA391C70]
++  Project Nevada - T49XV Patch.esp [CRC: 1515A17B]
60  CRHDV3O2.esp [CRC: ADDFD831]
61  FlashlightNVSE.esp [CRC: A02F6A0B]
62  LeatherBackpack - eng.esp [CRC: D4D22084]
++  NCR Ranger Helmet Neck Cover.esp [CRC: AE98453E]
63  KillingKarmaFix.esp [CRC: F247C6CC]
64  Companion Sandbox Mode.esp  [Version 2] [CRC: D3B554B6]
++  Comp_Idles_NV.esp [CRC: 2CF02DA5]
65  NVWillow.esp [CRC: 51139505]
66  SunnyCompanion.esp [CRC: B6DAB011]
67  dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [CRC: F952686A]
++  dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp [CRC: F3C8F341]
68  Delay DLC - Dead Money.esp [CRC: 4EEAAC80]
69  Delay DLC - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: ADE6147F]
6A  Delay DLC - Old World Blues.esp [CRC: BFC9AFEF]
6B  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: B2189109]
6C  Runner.esp  [Version 1.17] [CRC: 7311D441]
6D  AG Melee Mods.esp [CRC: CF95F357]
++  Weapon Mod Expansion.esp [CRC: 419E4D02]
++  WME - that gun 223.esp [CRC: 2EEA17F0]
6E  AG Supplementary Uniques WME.esp [CRC: DC75ABC2]
6F  AG Supplementary Uniques-Dead Money WME.esp [CRC: 4FB0964D]
70  AG Supplementary Uniques-Honest Hearts WME.esp [CRC: B81A1C11]
71  AG Supplementary Uniques-Old World Blues.esp [CRC: B588F0F5]
72  Frequency - AG S. Uniques WME Patch.esp [CRC: 5C4AED58]
73  Mod Loot - 2. Reasonably Rare (WME).esp [CRC: CC17CF66]
74  Project Nevada - WME.esp [CRC: BC51B676]
++  WME - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: BF543FC0]
++  WME - Old World Blues.esp [CRC: 95DA8C8E]
++  WME - Ironsights - HH.esp [CRC: 28341076]
++  WME - Arenovalis.esp [CRC: 92F041E4]
++  WME - Dead Money Arenovalis Retex.esp [CRC: 608364ED]
++  WME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.esp [CRC: 711776E8]
++  Frequency - WME Patch.esp [CRC: 5A6B1E47]
++  Frequency - WME Honest Hearts Patch.esp [CRC: 4EBF2E78]
++  Frequency - WME Old World Blues Patch.esp [CRC: 7E78494D]
++  Frequency - WME Ironsights Patch.esp [CRC: E578DAAA]
++  Frequency - WME IS HH Patch.esp [CRC: 89386A67]
75  EVE FNV.esp [CRC: 3D18A7B3]
76  Project Nevada - EVE.esp [CRC: 23A5C777]
++  WMEVE.esp [CRC: E930FDA1]
++  Frequency - EVE Patch.esp [CRC: 2AB073AC]
++  Frequency - WMEVE Patch.esp [CRC: BA10E613]
77  Meltdown Medley.esp [CRC: 91803E87]
78  WMVM-WME.esp [CRC: FA616954]
79  WMVM-WME-DM.esp [CRC: ACF60374]
7A  WMVM-WME-HH.esp [CRC: 3BB120AA]
7B  WMVM-WME-OWB.esp [CRC: 74B716E6]
7C  Vurt's WFO.esp [CRC: 92120D35]
7D  Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: A2140F7E]
7E  NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp [CRC: 7336897E]
7F  NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp [CRC: 425271A8]
80  NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp [CRC: 8C95A5D6]
81  Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp  [Version 5.5.4] [CRC: 5502593A]
82  ILO-RI-Dead Money.esp  [Version 1.1] [CRC: 778BF373]
83  ILO-RI-Honest Hearts.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: 32AF6D43]
84  ILO-RI-Rust Town.esp  [Version 1.0] [CRC: 55267461]
85  DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp [CRC: 462177C5]
86  ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp [CRC: 7BF2DE7D]
87  UnderwaterFX.esp [CRC: D038AD3B]
88  UWFXGodrays.esp [CRC: 62C6A6C3]
89  Directors Chair.esp [CRC: C0948F9D]



I'd like to find the mod which is adding this, so I can figure out what has broken this dialogue branch and what it's supposed to be.


I've searched Google, the Bethesda forums, and here, but not had any luck finding mention of this. That may be because I was not searching with the right terms, since I think it's likely that it's discussed somewhere in the comments thread of whichever mod added it. I've also opened up the GECK and checked the only mods I have which I know do anything to arcade (only adding a sandbox mode and idle animations), and also looked in FNVEdit. No success in any of these cases.


Anyone recognise this dialogue branch? :(

Edited by nyrb
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The top and bottom to the outfit? Body? NM. I found it. It belongs to the long lost Temple Shop/Wasteland Cloth Collection banned from the nexus.

Edited by junkyard
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