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Well someone has translated the letter if you're not aware.

I'll throw it in a spoiler tag so if you've already read it you can ignore it :P




[–]coheedcollapse 9 points 1 hour ago*


Really, insanely rough, inaccurate, and fragmented translation run through OCR software and then put through Google translate. There are a lot of words missing, but for the most part, you can fill in the blanks.


My principal creates and publishes interactive entertainment on platforms including TV, game consoles and handheld: treeless (wireless?) units. The company has a long and successful history, and is behind several award-winning games, including the world famous game series (The brand THE ELDER SCROLL) is protected concerns include + ALI entertainment goods and services, appears, then including computer and video games. In the EU, is my principal including the holders of registered Community trade marks with registration number 2840098 and 8283161.


It has come to my principal's knowledge that Mojang AB ("Mojang"), users can sign SCROLL in the marketing of an upcoming computer and/or video game. The sign SCROLL exhibits significant visual, aural and conceptual similarities with my principal brand The Elder Scrolls. These similarities, strengthened by the fact that in the entertainment industry, including computer games industry, are cases that goods and services with a common commercial origin are marketed under the characteristics that are constructed from a common brand elements. For example, the company Nintendo's world famous Mario series of games titles like Mario Brothers. and Super Mario Bros or company Blizzard's Warcraft series of games titles that feature Orcs and Humans and World of Warcraft. There is thus an obvious risk of an average consumer to get the idea that the goods and / or services provided under the sign SCROLL and The Elder Scrolls are from the same commercial origin or at least from economically-linked undertaking. Against this background, it is our notion that the use of the sign SCROLL constitutes an infringement of my principal.


Edit: Corrected "Gizmo" back to "Mojang", corrected a few words.





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Hey guys, I said I was gonna post images of my new Photo Realism pack and here is the work done so far.

I need your opinions.


New Blocks seen in these images are:

Wooden Planks (has been fixed with better colour since the screenshots were taken)




Gold Ore

Long Grass


Dirt/Grass Side

Dirt/Snow Side (has been fixed)


Sand (Definitely need opinions on this one)












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Nitpickery: The grass looks lumpy from a distance. YOu could try making the blades larger if you can. The log texture on the bottom should be more rounded on the edges.


I really like that cobblestone texture. Looks like the one from Mr_Siika's mod.


Sand looks good, but you could try lowering the contrast so it doesn't tile as obviously.

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No problem, I'll try with the grass but it's a pain to toy with.

I might round off the edges of the wood, but I always enjoyed being in a block world so that's why I never did it with any of my other packs.


I'm glad you like the cobblestone texture, it was an absolute pain making it tile but I got there in the end.

Who's Mr_Siika?? o_O


There is a bit too much detail in the sand, I'll do that and see where we go from there. ^_^


Also here's some textures I missed off showing:


Sapling, crop and Mossy Cobblestone







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