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Notch is making me a cake for my birthday? :D


Server: Something got tweaked. Looking into it now. Server is running, but won't load the world correctly. More to follow as I learn.


Sounds like these pointer problems have cropped up before - for other servers.


[sEVERE] Unexpected exception
at fm.b(SourceFile:74)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1596)
at kx.d(SourceFile:459)
at ks.d(ks.java:67)
at ks.b(ks.java:94)
at ff.c(SourceFile:385)
at ff.a(SourceFile:347)
at ff.e(SourceFile:351)
at ff.a(SourceFile:263)
at jm.a(SourceFile:52)
at ff.<init>(SourceFile:236)
at fm.<init>(SourceFile:24)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c(SourceFile:150)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(SourceFile:141)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:197)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)

Edited by Ethre
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Update 2: Almost definitely a corruption within the world. Looking into the source.


In the meantime, a new world is up. If I can find the problem, the old world will be back up. Otherwise we will have to revert to the Jan 8th backup file.


Edit: By the way, I am impressed. We hit 115mb in size for a zipped backup file.

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Update3: FIXED


Looks like a corrupted level.dat file was the cause of our mishaps. I've reverted to the previous version and things seem to be running smoothly.


Inventories may have been reset and there may be some other small glitches - keep your eyes peeled.

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The new Update is out!


Minecraft Beta 1.2 is live. All servers need to be updated to 1.2.


New features:

* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)

* 15 wool dyes

* A new water dwelling mob

* New tree types

* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.

* A bunch of new crafting recipes

* One secret useful block

* One secret pretty block

* Cake

* AND MOAR, probably. I forget!



* Paintings work in multiplayer

* Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world

* A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer

* Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC

* Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer

* Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps

* Falling sand behaves better in SMP

* Fixed a few crash on load level bugs



(From Notchs blog.)


The new water mob is an Octopus. It's pretty scary but seems harmless.


I also opened the minecraft.jar and looked at the terrian picture. There seems to be a new ore to be found. Gonna start mining for it now.

Edited by katashy
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Random facts:


2x2 sand in craftbench makes sandstone.

Spiders can climb D:

You can make charcoal by burning wood with planks in a furnace.

There are 3 new tree types.

Octopus dont die when out of water and only spawn in deep areas

Cake can be placed and eaten is slices, each healing 1 and a half hearts, and they can also be used as half blocks (cake stairs!)


Ill edit with more later.

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