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It is a beast, me and everyone in my chat were shocked at the raw power of this machine for such a low low price.

I get 120FPS with my 256 pack alone.

And all games on ultra. It's really amazing.

ATI Radeon 5700 series I think. Can't remember.

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It is a beast, me and everyone in my chat were shocked at the raw power of this machine for such a low low price.

I get 120FPS with my 256 pack alone.

And all games on ultra. It's really amazing.

ATI Radeon 5700 series I think. Can't remember.


Nice computer..


PS. I made some changes to the summer home.

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Notch's latest blog post an hour ago says this


"Already implemented are new complex terrain features, at least one new mob, some interesting new combat mechanics, a new lighting engine, and some experimental new gameplay ideas. To come is more interesting farming, bigger incentives to explore, and npc villages."



Npc villages and a new lighting engine can do die. He's officially killing Minecraft.

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The old lighting engine was what I loved about Minecraft.The current lighting engine is too dark and I've only just decided to turn it on and get used to it... Accepting it as the norm.It was also very poorly implemented. Most people remember all the lighting bugs that came with the new engine.Now he's making another... So this is more eyesores for us to look at. Shadows or pure light in places there shouldn't be and we have to get used to another.Its unnecessary, we don't need it...


Edit: Jens just tweeted:

" new cobblestone and clay brick textures" in 1.7 :(


Why? Cobblestone has been the same since minecraft's first test!

Edited by KDStudios
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I doubt Notch is purposefully coding in bugs, and he's been good about getting them out when he finds them.


As for the cobblestone, why do you care? We pretty much all use texture packs.

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