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Burning mobs currently do not set anything on fire.


Even if it did, as DrGrimm said fire spread has been disabled. Also blocks to not burn. So you can build a wooden structure in lava and it will be fine :) (Although I do not recommend)

Too much fire is not only damaging to structures and forests but also puts a great deal of stress on any server.

The recent update to slow down fire spread helps servers to quickly act should a fire outbreak happen.


It is however possible that Mojang may add burning mobs to set blocks alight to the final version in less than 28 days time.

Notch has tweeted on many occasions that he'd like to. But it's very unlikely as I said it can be very damaging to land and servers alike.


oh and thanks guys :)


Ps. Shhh it's not a clown nose >.> much :P

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Just threw this together literally in a minute or two.

What you guys think? :)


If anyone wants one of their character outside a building or whatever, drop me a pm or something.


What I would love is for all of us to get a pic together on the server. That would be epic. :P




Original Screenshot:



Edited by KDStudios
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That looks really cool. How did you do that?


I don't know if it's my connection or the server, but for the last couple of days I have been able to play only couple of minutes and then it starts lagging and loses connection. Then I try to reconnect and it says: can't reach server. After refreshing it a few times I'm able to join again, but after few minutes it starts lagging and loses connection again. With lagging I mean this: I break a block and it disappears but the miniature block won't pop out and after a few seconds the block gets replaced, also if I place a block, the block disappears after a few seconds and it is added back to my inventory.


Getting a pic of all of us would be cool, but getting everyone on the server at the same time may not be so easy.

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It must be your connection mccrab, I've been on a couple of times the past few days and it's been fine.

Using it to test my textures with a test area me and Dr accidentally put together :P



If the server has really bad connectivity it's highly unlikely it would be fine after a few simple refreshes clientside.


I did it quite simply really, just used the lasso tool around my character, put him on another layer and blurred up the background, set the contrast higher and darkness lower, increased saturation.

Then it was a simple case of adding the right gradients and adding a glow onto a duplicate layer of the character under the original then blurring that.

This was all done in GIMP.


Getting everyone on at the same time does seem impossible. However, I may be able to put a picture together just by using an individual screenshot of everyone individually instead.

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It does seem that it is my connection. I'm also having some difficulties accessing web pages occasionally.


By the way, do you have any ideas on how to prevent endermen from griefing my house? Ub3rman123 suggested burning them but I don't want to go out when there are half a dozen skeletons ready to shoot me.

Now I have a cactus wall and I hope it works.

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Word to the wise though, not really effective in 1.9...

Endermen no longer get killed by it but I believe they teleport out in a random direction... which would mean they could just pop into your home and grief it like before.

However 1.9 is just over a month away bukkit-wise so we're good.


I don't think we've ever been this content in Minecraft ever.

Always worrying and concerned about the next update. At least now we know when it is coming and that it is a fairly long way away we can relax and build for a good 3-4 weeks :D


Texture Pack Alert!

So I've literally just updated my texture pack. It has had so many changes that it would be almost impossible to list them all here.

Try it out today and tell me what you think :)


Okay here's the damn changelog!



- Custom flowing and still water

- Custom flowing and still lava

- custom portal

- Custom Fire north, south, east and west

All animated!

- Water has a new texture that doesn't look quite as warped.

- New Smoothstone texture, which also means the ores have been adjusted to it to compensate.

- New Grass side block and side texture to make it look more larger instead of having a bit of green hair!

- Darkened and edited the colour of Bricks

Darkened and added more contrast to:

- Door

- Hatch

- Cactus

- New Glowstone Texture (really need you guys opinion on this, it's a completely new approach to it)

- Edited the saturation of Netherrack to be less pink and more in line with Nether Blocks.

New Item textures:

- Stick

- Fishing Rod

- String

- Coal

- Bed icon

- Minecart icons (normal, chest and furnace)

- Redstone repeater icon

- Potion Stand (1.9PR block)

- Feather

- Wheat


- Final change is to the Minecraft Title to look more Rocky and to help signify that the texture pack has indeed changed.

Edited by KDStudios
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Lava moat souds good but I think the one who gets killed by it would be me. I have a cactus wall and I'll have to see how well it works.


KD, somehow I get the impression from your post that 1.9 is not a good thing. I havent tried any of the pre-releases but to me enchanting and breeding sounds good.

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