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I'm gonna say we leave his stuff alone until we know he's gone for good. I don't want him coming back to find that we've pillaged his things. We've had enough experiences of that for now..



... I guess I have his stuff for safekeeping then? Mostly building materials though, his valuables had already been claimed when I got there.



I did get that diamond shovel that he "lost" weeks ago back. My diamond shovel. ;)

Edited by Argomirr
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He has been moved to vacation. While very productive in his building, he had been walking on thin ice for a while (due to previous actions). Since he understood the risk he was taking, his works are effectively abandoned and returned to nature.


Don't grief his buildings or works. Just because he is gone does not mean it is acceptable.

On the otherhand, if there is something you wish to building upon or work with, it seems perfectly acceptable to me. To me it would seem to courteous way to make some reference to his contributions (signs, perhaps). I'll leave the details/claims up to you all though.


(Note: something like his appartment buildings, with pieces of them already distributed, should probably be left alone)

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Hmm... Would taking down the wall he built around the mountain I'm building on count as griefing if I rebuild it in a slightly less chaotic shape?


Edit: Vagrant, I went ahead and repaired your island. The lava and walls are gone. I also patched up as many of the holes in the ground as I could. There's still some scaffolding under the island I need to remove, though. If you want, you can probably move back in and set up protections with Cuboid and LWC.

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Hmm, I don't play Minecraft, but I got a message from someone who does :P


From: NobleOverwatch


Dont worry, i'm still alive :D (Atleast, I think I am)


Explanation of me being away:


Well, a few days ago I started having computer problems on my PC(Mostly related to power), and a couple days it finally crashed, for good, it wont turn on anymore, and i'm pretty sure the computer is having problems getting power to the internal parts, which means until i get it fixed or get a new one i'm SOL (It will atleast be a couple days before I can get it looked at, months to be able to afford a new computer)


I'm currently using my Mac mini (Which, has problems with java, and i dunno why) which is how I can write this message (As well as read this thread), so I cannot play Minecraft at the time of writing.


@Ub3r, feel free to change it to be less chaotic

@Argo, you mean my vault was compromised? If so, what was looted? (Feel free to take one of the picks as well, and i'd appreciate it if you hide my stuff since i cannot, as of writing, care for it)


Thank you Jhardin for posting this message, i'd do it myself, but, well, I think atleast Argo or Pronam knows why I cannot :P


Pertaining to my behavior:

These last few days got me thinking about what I did, both right and wrong, and all I can really say is, i'm sorry, I should have never done some of the things I did (But, the one time I killed Queen, i felt that justified since he griefed Vagrants place, i was merely ungriefing it, and he went ontop of the block i was mining, but that is besides the points)


I (atleast i think) have a cool head now, and will not be a problem from now on (I'd rather give up my kingdom, and quit minecraft then commit another act against the server)

I really am sorry and I hope you can forgive me, but for the record, I never stole from you Queen, nor griefed Sheepys memorial (I did manage to fall into that pillar of lava behind it however, I don't even know how i managed that)


I'll continue reading the thread, but I cannot respond, if needed, I can try to get an E-mail or something set up so you can contact me.

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Oi, Noble, if you read this, I found the bottom of your vault (Mostly because hidden levers are messed up at the moment, leaving the doors open...), so I've put most of your stuff into my second castle's storeroom under LWC protection.


I'm also rebuilding certain parts of Ravenhold so the place fits together well. Mostly the outer wall and the gate into Ravenhold.


And Argo didn't find your vault, he just looted your now-airship. If there actually is anything on it...

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