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So I have been working on a mod for New Vegas for quite some time now. I am almost done with the Wasteland changes and wanted to begin interior changes. I ran into a problem everytime I load up an interior it just shows like a light brown/grayish screen where the render window is. Does anyone know a solution to this problem at all?






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Try searching first. There's lots of topics on geck render issues due to the room markers.

You might just be off center. Try double clicking one of the object in the cell view window and see if it takes you to it.



I did the double clicking and it worked kinda. I just loaded up vault 34 and only 30% of it loads. Now I see floating NPC's and decor. O well. I hope they patch it.



I found a partial solution about editing room markers to -50 for the y axis so that is a temp fix.

Edited by Commissar1032
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Make sure geck is closed first. If you do it while it's open, the change won't take effect.

disabling multibounds solves lots of problems, but it doesn't help when you try to edit a cell that already has room markers in it, and i'm pretty sure that's what commisar's talking about.


i'm having (among various others) the same problem right at the moment adding a hallway to a new cell to the gomorrah suites level:

there's room markers in it, so either you disable multibounds, see everything in geck but can't adapt the room markers, leading to clipping ingame, or you enable them and see nothing of what's within the room markers (so can't edit them either, because you never see where the actual room ends), and i haven't found any way to make stuff within room markers visible (keeping multibounds enabled) anywhere on the web (and i've been looking REALLY hard).


the best workaround i could find so far (but kind of only makes sense when you just have visibility problems and don't need to change existing room markers though) was, delete all the room- and portal markers in the cell, edit as you wish, when done, open your mod in fnvedit, locate the marker-overwrites there and delete them (bringing the original markers back to the cell).


but for me, i'd still be gratefull for anything that works as well for editing cell _and_ room markers, cause right now, i have them all just deleted, game runs quite fine on my (not that hot) machine, but i still wouldn't want to cause anyone performance issues in a vanilla location.

Edited by stevie70
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