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OBV loading crash


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I am running OBV GOTY 1.20.416 (or the latest version)


I use windows vista 64-bit and a few mods i will post my load order and explain what happens.


I am using a D2D STEAM version with OBSE if that may be an issue.






Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp






Shield on Back 3.1.esp

Hemingweys Capes.esp


Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block and 250% damage.esp



DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp




What happens is 80% of the time(I occasionally get good loads where it doesn't crash) it plays for maybe 1 second, lags, and then it seems like it is trying to alt+tab, but the outline, as if it were windowed, appears and in the very top left there is a black box about ~150x~150 pixels (approximate.) At this point the only thing that works is an Alt+Tab induced by me or control+alt+delete.


I don't use autosave or quicksave, as i have seen in the other threads with similar problems.


This same EXACT issue happens to me on FO3 AND FO:NV, so it might be an engine issue.


Advice? Known Fixes?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by HerrThomas
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I am using a D2D version with OBSE if that may be an issue.


OBSE does not work with:


The Direct2Drive version of Oblivion or Shivering Isles. The Oblivion.exe provided by D2D is encrypted, and we cannot patch it without breaking the encryption. We will not do this, as it is illegal.

The Impulse version of Oblivion or Shivering Isles. The Oblivion.exe provided by Impulse is also encrypted.

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The small black DOS box in the upper left is OBSE trying to start. Normally it flashes for a second and then the game launches. However since you have a D2D version of Oblivion, OBSE is not compatible, as Fonger already mentioned.


The STEAM version is the only digital version that OBSE works with.

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DOH! I meant to say the Steam version. But wouldn't they both have the issue then? Seeing as they are both Digital versions. Or does the D2D version have some sort of anti-piracy encrypting thing, and the Steam version does not?


Sorry for the confusion, hope this clears things up.

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I have both STEAM GOTY and an original Disc version. Both versions work the exact same. I've never had an issue that was related to which version it is.


If you're having crashes that early you have errors somewhere, obviously. Crashing this early usually indicates a missing master.


What happens when you remove the OBSE files? Does the game start normally then? If not your problem is Elsweyr. (See what I did thar!?) Likely an incorrectly installed mod. Start deactivating them one by one until the game loads. The last mod you deactivated will be the culprit. You can then investigate why that mod is causing problems.

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I have both STEAM GOTY and an original Disc version. Both versions work the exact same. I've never had an issue that was related to which version it is.


If you're having crashes that early you have errors somewhere, obviously. Crashing this early usually indicates a missing master.


What happens when you remove the OBSE files? Does the game start normally then? If not your problem is Elsweyr. (See what I did thar!?) Likely an incorrectly installed mod. Start deactivating them one by one until the game loads. The last mod you deactivated will be the culprit. You can then investigate why that mod is causing problems.


Thanks for the advice, Qarl's texture pack is only textures, but seeing as that is the last thing i installed, it must be the culprit, i'll post my results when i'm done.


If not your problem is Elsweyr. (See what I did thar!?)


c wut u did thar

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