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Jail skill modifications


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My mod tracks skill gains for the purpose of determining what kind of multipliers you will get when you gain a player level.


I have recently discovered that while jail can decrease a skill that decrease in skill does not remove it's impact on your leveling. e.g. decreasing a major skill when you only have 1 skill gain to level up, does not mean you will have to now gain two skills (you will still only have to level 1).


What I am wondering though is if you were instead to gain a skill level as the game says you can in either sneak or security. Will that increase count towards your attribute modifiers and or if one is a major skill, will it count towards your next level up?


I have tried to test it myself, but after an hour or two of just getting locked up by the gaurds, I not once got an increase, in fact there were several skills which kept getting decreased, and quite a few which never got touched (things like armorer, athletics, block, blade were common, whereas marksman never got decreased during testing)... I have been wondering if there is something wierd with how it determines which skills to alter??

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From what I understand the skills are chosen randomly - you get sneak and security by luck. There may well be a scale of probability though and it sounds likely considering your results. Would it be the result of scripting in the main module or is it more likely to be hardcoded? You should be able to modify it via scripting anyway.
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From what I understand the skills are chosen randomly - you get sneak and security by luck. There may well be a scale of probability though and it sounds likely considering your results. Would it be the result of scripting in the main module or is it more likely to be hardcoded? You should be able to modify it via scripting anyway.


Yes that is how I understand it as well, and I am a little concerned that it may be wieghted, although it seems very strange how it has been weighted if it is (I might do some outright tests on the system and post what I find).


I had a look around for a quest or object that might be scripted to perform the task of decreasing your skills and was unable to find any.

And now that I think about it, the formatting of the message presented when multiple skills are decreased is not actually possible (to my knowledge) within the scripting system so I believe that side of it is locked down (I also hunted for gamesetting vars which might affect the skill side of jail time but didn't find any).



Well if there are any other ideas or knowledge about the system, any info would be appreciated :)



I altered all my attributes and skills except sneak to 100 and then continually set my crimegold to 1000 and served a sentence to get the max skill impact. these are the results after 23 runs.


Acrobatics 0

Alchemy -14

Alteration -18

Armorer -31

Athletics -38

Blade -31

Block -30

Blunt -20

Conjuration 0

Destruction 0

Hand to Hand -19

Heavy Armor -29

Illusion 0

Light Armor 0

Marksman 0

Mercantile 0

Mysticism 0

Restoration 0

Security 0

Sneak 0

Speechcraft 0

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