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Republic of New Carson - New town, guns, armor, quests and more!


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I just noticed something in Westside. One of the two merchants (either Miguel or the guy in the Co-Op) came from New Reno. He said that it was run by the Wrights and the Van Graffs; if I remember correctly, the Fallout 2 ending where the Wrights are in power has the NCR take over. So though New Reno is undeer NCR rule, the mob bosses seem to have the most say in local affairs, probably because of money. New Reno is probably like New York at the beginning of the 20th Century- though it has "elections" the candidates are utterly corrupt, and win votes by promising food to the poor. The "campaign" of that era consisted of candidates sending people out to give food to beggars in exchange for votes. If you're going to have New Carson be a "communist" nation, why not have New Reno be the "capitalist" nation? You could have the two towns showing the two extremes, and how they both have their flaws.


That's a pretty good idea. I'll pitch the idea to Stupideye when he comes on, and we'll see how it goes. I do like the idea though, thanks for bringing it up.


Excellent initiative!

I love the idea of adding new cities that keep the post-apocalyptic touch, you should add a soviet army set with a hat and a grey coat. Just saying...

Keep up the good work!


Haha, yeah, we're hopefully going to get more soviet-esque gear for the mod, maybe an Ushanka, tank helmet, stalnoy shlyem (SSh-39 helmet), and stuff like that to give the people that "Red Army" look.

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Alright, it's been a long-ass time since we've posted anything about the mod, and truth be told, development has taken a really long break.

But, we're back on full-time development (outside of school and a couple other little side projects), and I just dropped by to assure you guys; we're not dead.




We also just recently started up a moddb page, and we'll likely be using that to post more frequent updates on the mod, but we'll still occasionally stop by here. So don't forget to watch us on moddb!




Instead of using nonsense Russian maybe I can translate some propaganda phrases for you. Russian is my first language so I can translate pretty good.


We could definitely use a translator, although we'd like to keep the text and phrases understandable for the majority of gamers, which for the most part are exclusively anglophones. We might release a seperate texture pack which uses actual cyrillic text for the posters and such though, for those that understand Russian or want the added immersion.

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Hey guys, great mod.


Was wondering if there could be references to the Chernobyl Disaster ( an NPC comparing the wasteland to Chernobyl and Pripyat)


Or the Russian submarine Kursk explosion ( maybe a quest similar to the retrieve the bobmer one for the Boomers)

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Hey guys, great mod.


Was wondering if there could be references to the Chernobyl Disaster ( an NPC comparing the wasteland to Chernobyl and Pripyat)


Or the Russian submarine Kursk explosion ( maybe a quest similar to the retrieve the bobmer one for the Boomers)


Maybe, although I'm not sure how canon it'd be. We're still working on the script and such right now though, so if you've got ideas, feel free to toss them at us.

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So, when this mod is put into practice... what is the Courier's relation to the UCCR? Will he/she actually be joining it, or...?


Well, that'd be up to the player, of course. There's multiple questlines planned, so the player gets the option to either support the UCCR, or to help the opposing factions. Of course, there'll be some side missions that don't really play into the "bigger picture" as well.

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How far along are you into packages for NPCs? For me the basic setups, to create routines etc. were a pain but easy. Troubles began once I started making packages that tied in with quests and had more specific or complicated actions (this is in reference to a town mod I made)
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