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Some of my issues with Fallout NV


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I guess I should just quit with the whole project purity thing then -.-


I do agree the plot is bad, and I think it was stupid to have a multi-ending plot and have the game just end with a random video(which is my eyes, if you had super soilder robots patrolling the wasteland, violence would go down, but whatever)


I really wish that it would have gone through the single plot of you helping yourself, I didn't like the NCR or the legion, and I go to find out I am evil for trying to fix s*** myself -.-


Something I always thought Mr.House pretty much said... he said something like "look around you, look what democracy got you". Now I don't think democracy is bad, but when your trying to rebuild a government by taking over land by force, democracy doesn't seem like the best system...


My main issue with the plot was the above, your supposed to like the NCR for some reason... siding with the NCR seems to be the "good" path. Siding for yourself is "Your kinda evil" Siding with mr house is more of a neutral if not evil, and siding with the legion is the worst possible ending.


The issue with the NCR is that they are trying to go back to the old system way to fast... As everyone says, the NCR cares about themselves, and not its citizens. They make them look good by the false impression of freedom and democracy. Mr.House Is a corporatist, and his system will lead to fascism as society goes on. The legion is just bat s*** insane, so that's that...


Come to think of it, I would have LOVED to see the followers take over New Vegas. They should of been a much larger faction, the story line tries to tell us Caesar came from them? There are like 50 of them, wtf?


Also why the hell didn't they make copies of the platinum chip? It couldn't of been that hard to do... Mr.House is supposed to be some robot computer genius but can't even type ~player.additem and google item codes -.-


Seriously though, why does Mr.House have a terminal in the middle of this room that can open a pod that can kill him? If hes going to be living in his computer forever why would he make a way for a human to get in? That seems quite stupid... And serious why are computers bullet proof? Why can't you just chuck a grenade at his big old computer and kill him? I guess he could reconnect somewhere else, but seriously... No one ever explains how his screen is bullet proof do they?


Also why aren't lasers and plasma instantly armor piercing ? You would think a laser wouldn't be stopped by body armor...


Anyways back on the plot... You get shot in your face and somehow get your head put back together by some random enclave doctor. He gives you a test, and never bothers to give you clothes. You go to the couch and take a test, and he still doesn't give you clothes. You finishes his tests, and you follow him to the door, when he then gives you your clothes... and a gun... What if you answered something on the crazy test like "Say the words that come to mind" "Dog" "kick" "mom" "shoot" would be a bad idea to give that person a gun right? Anyways your told to go get info about the people who shot you, at this point anyone with a brain (maybe you lost most of it when you got shot, explains the plot some... all they had to do was add that to make the entire story make sense) would not be like "Well I am a random delivery man and I got shot, lets go hunt down the gang of people who shot me so I can get my s*** back!" At this point your shot in the face, and just woke up. No one should be trying this hard for a promotion...


So you go in the bar, and apparently you need shooting lessons (seriously people, how hard could it be to figure out controls? Do we always need learn how to click and aim?) That might explain how you got tied up and shot, you didn't know how to use a damn gun in the first place... Some jackal or something should of got you way before now though..


So some random person gives you a gun after hearing you got shot in the face and lived, then tells you to shoot the targets. Also in fallout do people get shot in the face and live and live a lot? No one but Benny seems to care about you getting shot in the face. Also everyone but mega mob lords in the capital city of the wastes know who you are. A random drug addict sitting by a fire knows you helped save the president, then you go into Benny's casino and everyone doesn't know who you are.


So we are know heading to a town called prim, which you should of figured out before now "Oh, maybe I should check my office where I came from..." but you needed gun lessons first of course... Ok so in the few days or hours you were gone, a entire prison riot broke out or something? Does anyone else care that you couldn't of left the office too long ago, and the entire city is over run and the ncr already set up a post?


Now you go to nipton and the legion burned everyone and crap. Seriously? You miss a chip delivery and the legion just randomly attacks a town without knowing about the chip or anything? Sure the dam issues were building up. But isn't that weird?


Pretty much you then go to boulder city (that the ncr guard lets in without knowing who you were, you could carrying a bunch of bombs for all he knows) and then ask the gang that helped shoot you (for the most part pretty nicely, you only care about the dude in the suit for some crazy reason) to tell you what happened. You believe that a entire gang got screwed by a single person who ran off to his big casino in new vegas. Does everything in vegas stay there? I mean no info seems to get in or out... Don't you think a single damn person would know that "a man in a checkered suit" would be the mob boss of the tops?


Ok that's all I am saying for now... I highly doubt anyone read all of that...

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Well you are in luck! I am bored at work, so I'll take whatever distraction I can get.


I can't say much about the ending. I am level 24 and still haven't met benny. Yea, killing house was too easy. You'd think the terminal to his chamber would at least be very hard.


Nipton was razed for being 'immoral'


All lasers are in the end are just light. It'd have to be super powerful to just pass through you. Instead it has to burn or ablate everything in its path before reaching your creamy creamy innards. Should have AP properties, but not total negation.


Yea, a followers ending would have been cool. You know what would have been funny? Mojave express quests. You are shot in the head...and return to work. I would try that hard for the promotion! Haha

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I think some people are getting a bit overly critical about the plot. The first one had you coming from a vault searching for a water chip for the sake of survival. The second one you were a tribal descendant of the vault dweller. FO3 you were born in a vault and are looking for your dad...


The majority of plots could be summarized within a paragraph or less. I for one was grateful that for once my opening story had nothing to do with a vault. I mean seriously, the biggest plot hole is you were shot in the head and buried, yet somehow survive thanks to a robot and a doctor. But at least I wasn't leaving a vault, as while it felt original during the first Fallout, variations thereafter weren't very compelling.


One must also keep in mind, the more specific the story gets, the less open to roleplay and the like. Linear gameplay would defeat the Fallout experience entirely.


While the majority of folks don't need tutorials on general gameplay, having one is still better than not. While you'd think a courier would already know the basics, you still want to fit tutorial type lessons in somehow for people picking up the game for the first time. As a lot of people are newer to the Fallout Universe (FO1 and 2 are quite old now), you shouldn't assume your customer base knows what to do from the beginning.


There's nothing saying you're supposed to like the NCR. But given the choice between NCR and Legion, unless you're on a more sinister path you're simply going to choose the less of two evils. Of the four choices, the only reason I don't pick House is because he's bent on the BoS destruction. As I've always associated with the BoS in previous games, destroying them just isn't in my nature. Yes man just screams Skynet.


I gotta question your objectivity when you have issues getting things straight, like Doc Mitchell came from a vault, he wasn't enclave and nothing ever pointed to him being so. The Enclave doc is the sole human in Jacobstown, which is a pleasant irony considering the Enclave's past.


Primm isn't where you started from, it's just the only drop box that actually has an office. If people are coming from all over California, why should you assume you started in Nevada? Also, the chip itself started its trek from Sunnyvale, CA, so you enter the picture anywhere between there and Nevada.


Perhaps you haven't been gaming long, but most games have indestructible objects. It wasn't until Red Faction I believe till game world destruction became a selling point. More to the point, considering all the bugs in FONV at release, it would be completely unplayable if we had the freedom to destroy the in game world with reckless abandon.


Seriously though, your complaints lack substance, as the whole reason there's no fanfair over the chip is that only Benny and House are truly aware of it, with Caesar having inklings about it until you meet Benny (he's got spies everywhere in the wasteland as he's no fool to the value of intelligence). Things were going on in the world that had nothing to do with the chip, and yet your interpretation is that the story should seemingly revolve around the player. Life still goes on in the wasteland.


Being the head of the Tops means everyone should know who he is? He's the head of a casino, but unless you live on the strip, that basically means nothing to the average wastelander. He doesn't control policies (unlike the NCR) or anything that affects people all over the waste.


Oh, and Kicking out the NCR doesn't make you "Evil" unless you chose to start it violently with Oliver. You shouldn't be surprised that the NCR isn't going to fond of you as you kept them from getting their way.


But really, of all the things to complain about, a buggy\unstable release should be topping the list. If not for my own technical experience, I wouldn't have bothered with a game like this.

Edited by secksegai
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I think some people are getting a bit overly critical about the plot. The first one had you coming from a vault searching for a water chip for the sake of survival. The second one you were a tribal descendant of the vault dweller. FO3 you were born in a vault and are looking for your dad...


The majority of plots could be summarized within a paragraph or less. I for one was grateful that for once my opening story had nothing to do with a vault. I mean seriously, the biggest plot hole is you were shot in the head and buried, yet somehow survive thanks to a robot and a doctor. But at least I wasn't leaving a vault, as while it felt original during the first Fallout, variations thereafter weren't very compelling.


One must also keep in mind, the more specific the story gets, the less open to roleplay and the like. Linear gameplay would defeat the Fallout experience entirely.


While the majority of folks don't need tutorials on general gameplay, having one is still better than not. While you'd think a courier would already know the basics, you still want to fit tutorial type lessons in somehow for people picking up the game for the first time. As a lot of people are newer to the Fallout Universe (FO1 and 2 are quite old now), you shouldn't assume your customer base knows what to do from the beginning.


There's nothing saying you're supposed to like the NCR. But given the choice between NCR and Legion, unless you're on a more sinister path you're simply going to choose the less of two evils. Of the four choices, the only reason I don't pick House is because he's bent on the BoS destruction. As I've always associated with the BoS in previous games, destroying them just isn't in my nature. Yes man just screams Skynet.


I gotta question your objectivity when you have issues getting things straight, like Doc Mitchell came from a vault, he wasn't enclave and nothing ever pointed to him being so. The Enclave doc is the sole human in Jacobstown, which is a pleasant irony considering the Enclave's past.


Primm isn't where you started from, it's just the only drop box that actually has an office. If people are coming from all over California, why should you assume you started in Nevada? Also, the chip itself started its trek from Sunnyvale, CA, so you enter the picture anywhere between there and Nevada.


Perhaps you haven't been gaming long, but most games have indestructible objects. It wasn't until Red Faction I believe till game world destruction became a selling point. More to the point, considering all the bugs in FONV at release, it would be completely unplayable if we had the freedom to destroy the in game world with reckless abandon.


Seriously though, your complaints lack substance, as the whole reason there's no fanfair over the chip is that only Benny and House are truly aware of it, with Caesar having inklings about it until you meet Benny (he's got spies everywhere in the wasteland as he's no fool to the value of intelligence). Things were going on in the world that had nothing to do with the chip, and yet your interpretation is that the story should seemingly revolve around the player. Life still goes on in the wasteland.


Being the head of the Tops means everyone should know who he is? He's the head of a casino, but unless you live on the strip, that basically means nothing to the average wastelander. He doesn't control policies (unlike the NCR) or anything that affects people all over the waste.


Oh, and Kicking out the NCR doesn't make you "Evil" unless you chose to start it violently with Oliver. You shouldn't be surprised that the NCR isn't going to fond of you as you kept them from getting their way.


But really, of all the things to complain about, a buggy\unstable release should be topping the list. If not for my own technical experience, I wouldn't have bothered with a game like this.


You still sound like a dick if you kick out the NRC without killing Oliver, I was wrong about the doctor, but still...


The indestructible object explanation matters when a large part of the game is about a computer that tells you what to do.


About the office, you are traveling in the desert to get a package to New Vegas, and your not going to stop by the main office? Like seriously the main office for the desert is in prim, you would think you would check in or something when you got there before delivering the package. That's why I said that you "started" there, since I would think the PC would have at least stopped there to check up. Yes man is to just help yourself, you have complete power over all the robots.


Seriously now, when I picked up FO3 for the first time, I changed the controls to my liking (made them more like oblivion) and I already pretty much knew how to play. Its not that hard to figure out on your own. If your going to do a tut to teach the newer players, you should not make it part of the game itself.


I understand what you mean about the plot, but it still could of been better without making it linear...


These are just some issues though, I am not saying I don't like the game.


My issue with Benny as I said, has to do with the fact a bunch of random drug addicts know who I am, but he doesn't. So many people go in and out of New Vegas, he should find out at some point.

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And what about the mysterious person who abandoned the couriership? This looks like the start of a plot line, and suggests all sorts of questions, but is totally ignored and forgotten once the Courier has learnt about it.


It's either a dropped plot thread that the Devs forgot to remove or it's a DLC hook.

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And what about the mysterious person who abandoned the couriership? This looks like the start of a plot line, and suggests all sorts of questions, but is totally ignored and forgotten once the Courier has learnt about it.


It's either a dropped plot thread that the Devs forgot to remove or it's a DLC hook.


Don't you think its connected to the blocked canyon south of Goodsprings 'Go home courier six'. Looks like DLC stuff as that location would open one of the largest unused areas on the map.

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Where did the Courier collect the platinum chip from? The Agent at Prim knows what all six packages contained, and tells the Courier that the mysterious stranger decided not to take the package but leave it for the next on the list. To me this strongly suggests that the Courier collected the package from Prim. On the other hand it seems the Agent didn't recognise the Courier when asked about the package. Prim is the only Company office we know about - but the Agent there runs his own business, it seems, and does the Mojave packaging as a sideline, i.e. as an agent, not as a principal or area manager or whatever.


So the whole opening of the story line is confused from the outset, and while it is interesting to speculate what really happened, it is also pointless, because the plot line was, IMO, just not properly worked out. And so I come back to my earlier point, that it might have been better to spend some time and effort getting the start of the story line sorted out, and less elaborating all sorts of rather futile details about what happened at and after the end.


On which note I shall go back to exploring, and getting my character kiled in caves full of Deathclaws, Nightstalkers and Cazadores, since I feel no urge at all to play the end-game ........................

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Where did the Courier collect the platinum chip from? The Agent at Prim knows what all six packages contained, and tells the Courier that the mysterious stranger decided not to take the package but leave it for the next on the list. To me this strongly suggests that the Courier collected the package from Prim. On the other hand it seems the Agent didn't recognise the Courier when asked about the package. Prim is the only Company office we know about - but the Agent there runs his own business, it seems, and does the Mojave packaging as a sideline, i.e. as an agent, not as a principal or area manager or whatever.


So the whole opening of the story line is confused from the outset, and while it is interesting to speculate what really happened, it is also pointless, because the plot line was, IMO, just not properly worked out. And so I come back to my earlier point, that it might have been better to spend some time and effort getting the start of the story line sorted out, and less elaborating all sorts of rather futile details about what happened at and after the end.


On which note I shall go back to exploring, and getting my character kiled in caves full of Deathclaws, Nightstalkers and Cazadores, since I feel no urge at all to play the end-game ........................


I think there is no doubt you would at least stop at primm, so I don't get how the Powder Gangers popped up within 5 hours.


Why wouldn't you stop by the only office in the region to check up on the delivery?


I also hate how you go from being a courier, to a extremely powerful war hero who pretty much wins the dam battle by yourself.


That would be like a mailman getting shot in the face by a mob boss, getting helped by some old doctor and a grave digger, then wanting to go hunt down the mob boss and fight in a massive war.


I do like how your start wasn't about vaults, but still this is just messed up...

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Where did the Courier collect the platinum chip from? The Agent at Prim knows what all six packages contained, and tells the Courier that the mysterious stranger decided not to take the package but leave it for the next on the list. To me this strongly suggests that the Courier collected the package from Prim. On the other hand it seems the Agent didn't recognise the Courier when asked about the package. Prim is the only Company office we know about - but the Agent there runs his own business, it seems, and does the Mojave packaging as a sideline, i.e. as an agent, not as a principal or area manager or whatever.


So the whole opening of the story line is confused from the outset, and while it is interesting to speculate what really happened, it is also pointless, because the plot line was, IMO, just not properly worked out. And so I come back to my earlier point, that it might have been better to spend some time and effort getting the start of the story line sorted out, and less elaborating all sorts of rather futile details about what happened at and after the end.


On which note I shall go back to exploring, and getting my character kiled in caves full of Deathclaws, Nightstalkers and Cazadores, since I feel no urge at all to play the end-game ........................


That's true, the story does get convoluted, especially when you throw bugged scripts into the mix.


Two reasons I don't see Primm as the starting point:

1. You didn't know where Primm was and who Johnson Nash was While you were shot in the head, there's no mention of amnesia.

2. The chip's journey began in Sunnyvale, was lost, and eventually found somewhere between there and New Vegas.


It is kinda funny how the ending can take into account so many different variables, yet the beginning of the plot is so vague and convoluted. There are definitely points in the story/dialogue that had so much potential, like who the courier was that turned down the job, seeming to have a history with the player. Also, why is courier 6 painted in one of the marked locations? Either its an planned expansion or cut content.


I can't blame you for not being eager to play the endgame, I'm basically prepping save files so I can run around killing whatever want as questing is a lot less rewarding once xp is out of the equation.

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I can't blame you for not being eager to play the endgame, I'm basically prepping save files so I can run around killing whatever want as questing is a lot less rewarding once xp is out of the equation.


I keep playing up to Lvl 28 -30 and going back to a Lvl 5 save. I've been trying to get all the quests in the right bloody order.


With different companions . . . And without success!

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