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NPC Child - New Dialogue ?


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Has anyone managed to crack the problem of adding new lines to child NPC's yet ?

I don't mean to add an audio file, just to "speak" the line using subtitles.


I am pretty good at adding dialogue in a variety of ways and at different times, to adult NPC's no problems there, but children just don't say the line. I know the line is added because they perform the idle that I have associated with it, just, no subtitles appear.


If I change the child to an adult in the drop down list in their character traits, they immediately start saying the lines without any other changes.


This seems to be a basic glitch with the GECK, and may be insurmountable, and I cannot find any reference to a solution on UTube or the WIKI.


Currently I have resorted to making a very short adult but it's far from ideal.


Any comments appreciated.









(aka Nanny Oggins)

Edited by Helena7t5
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