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One thing missing from New Vegas


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<Spoilers ahead>




There is at least one obvious thing missing from FNV. In real life Vegas there are wedding chapels everywhere. But for FNV this doesn’t come in to play too much. But the other glaring thing that is missing is a Bank. Yes a bank where you can put you caps in to gain some interest perhaps and to borrow to get that anti material weapon you want. Based on what Mr. House wants to do a Bank seems to me a vital thing to have. House wants to build the economy of Vegas but how? Yes he will be very hands on but with a Bank others can help drive the building of the economy. I would think that House would have thought of this as well. The casino families should have at least started one as they have lots of caps. Loans to gamblers based on collateral of their homes, weapons, businesses etc. would add an additional stream of income and power to them. With this people can start new businesses, upgrade existing buildings and grow the economy just like House wants to. While House would keep tight control on things Banks owned by private people as well could only improve the economy.


FNV to me feels a lot like a Wild West movie or town and what do all of the towns have? General stores check. Bars and gambling check. Banks and bank robberies, Nope. A Bank can add a lot of possible missions from escorting cap transfers to other banks, robbing them yourselves even! Also missions to get the robbers etc. I am surprised that they weren’t apart of the FNV from the start. Imagine a NCR bank, a House bank, and casino family banks vying for your business? It could be interesting.


I think this would be a great mod idea but it might be a little too much to implement. But maybe in a future version of this game series of a DLC this could be added.


Any thoughts?

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I agree. I also felt like there should have been a working steam locomotive, a good old Iron Horse. Sure, there would only be one that actually worked, and all those different factions would have to fight over it, but a train combined with your idea would provide the opportunity to stage a great train robbery.


Speaking of Iron Horses... where are the horses? You can't have a proper western with everyone just walking around with no horses...

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Well they do have trains, just the tracks are only repaired up to primm so far. Not to mention the rest of them are not cleared as yet. If someone made such, it should go from the outpost to where the tracks end near vegas. With quests of having to not only betray the powder gangers to regain the facility, but also to go out and clear the mobs from the rest of the rail way so that the newly reacquired prisoners (as well as new ones shipped in.) can be used to finish clearing the rails.


But that all should really be on its own thread, about the bank, its a great idea, but would have to be administered by Mr House directly as he controls the majority of funds in vegas. It could be added as a side quest after meeting him to establish a bank using securatrons.

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Banks plus train equal a lot of fun. I did not even think of a train but considering the infrastructure is really closer to 1850 than 1950 that would make sense. I hope someone takes up both options. As to horses they were in Oblivion so should be easy to add to FNV.
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  • 2 months later...
Hate to bump it but this sounds like a great idea. I saw someone made a train mod. Still no bank mods, wedding chapels, or horses. We really need horses. I mean we have someone who ported over a motercycle mod, a hoverboard and a hoverchair...but no horses?
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