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Memory dump from hell


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I recently upgraded my computers video card to a Visiontek - ATI Radeon 5670 1GB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card and seem to have had nothing but problems playing any Bethesda games so I'm sure it's a problem with setting on the card can anyone help me.


my computer system is

Windows 7 pro 64-bit

8.00gb DDR 2

Intel core2 Quad Q8200 2.33GHz

ATI Radeon 5670 1GB GDDR5 PCI-Express

any help would be very appreciated

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Well we need to know what type of problems you are experiencing in order to offer any real advice. You simply stating "having nothing but problems playing any Bethesda Game" is of absolutely zero help. Describe your problems exactly, in full detail.
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sorry about that every-time i get the game going after about 5 min it goes into an infantry loop of what ever action that was going on so if I'm swinging a sword I'm always swinging a sword if i'm moving foreword then im always moving frame rate is fine buffer is fine but cant do anything after what ever happens triggers
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The game starts up just fine.

You can make a character and start playing.

About 5 min into playing, any action you are doing at that time goes into a never ending loop that you can not get out of.

(example) I am swinging a sword and never stop or cant stop walking.

the frame rate stays the same at 32- 60 fps.

All other debug info is running fine as well.

I think its a memory dump but don't know what would make this happen

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