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Making mouths move for machinima, the cheap and easy way.


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I don't know much about making the lip files. It would seem to me though ... that after making the lip file from the audio file. You could then some how mute or turn off the audio while the lip animation still played ^shrug^


you said : My Question is did I have to use just the other tabs?


The Topic tab is for bringing up the dialogue screen , so the player view zooms in on actor talking ... and brings up text the player can click on. The other tabs won't do that ... and are triggered by their respective tabs events.

For the most part ... dialogue screen only pops up by clicking on an npc (player initiates)

The other tabs are coded points to inject voice over without dialogue interaction.

But there is a setting so it will have text captions.

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Because I have the problem then i use conversation, HELLO or GOODBYE it zoomes and nothing happen. The stanges thing is that nobody has making an tutorial about it. Well it can´t be so hard, to do this.

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If you are starting dialogue with the npc , then that is initiating the dialogue window ... which only accesses topics you created on the topic tab. The conversation tab is for making the npc talk to other npc's ... and those get initiated some other way.


And as far as I know ... you can't generate lip files with the geck , even though it has the option ... they just won't work for some reason. But I digress ... because I know next to nothing about how to do it.

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Yes an LIP file you can´t generate in the Geck well I can explain it you know I have the Obilivion Construction set :D


ok so dont use the conversation tab, well I try to make him start the conversation with press E how it is talked about in the Fallout Machinima Mouth moving tutorial (that just sucks)


well i am new in this kind of stuff so, did I have to use the detection tab or something else?

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because it has to be some of these tabs and this is the most confusing part of the geck in my opinion

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Yes an LIP file you can´t generate in the Geck well I can explain it you know I have the Obilivion Construction set :D


ok so dont use the conversation tab, well I try to make him start the conversation with press E how it is talked about in the Fallout Machinima Mouth moving tutorial (that just sucks)


well i am new in this kind of stuff so, did I have to use the detection tab or something else?


OIC ... so you are saying you have copy pasted the lip file generator from oblivion CK into Geck ? As instructed here ...



Ya I've only recently read that ... so wasn't aware of the procedure .


But second ... could you post me a link of the Fallout Machinima Mouth moving tutorial you mentioned.

That way I can get on the same page.

Or just post the address text if you can't post links yet.

Edited by Mktavish
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