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Stuck after Cutscene at the end of Sierra Madre DLC


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Hello, after i read the stuff in the computer at the end of the DLC i get the cutscene and then my screen remains black. Note: I also had to do the last bit of the dlc with "tgm" because i got constant damage for no reason and i wouldnt even survive the duration of the cutscene. I tried to activate my controls again with "toggleplayercontrols" and i tried to teleport out with "coc" but when i was out in the Mojace again, i couldnt move my camera, open the pip boy or whatever but i still got constantly damage. Any help?

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The constant health loss is part of the sierra madre atmosphere. You'll have to restore you health frequently by eating for example.

If you use such console commands a lot, you sooner or later will screw up quests. I would avoid useing them.

The only fix I know would be to load an older save and try again.

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Hello, after i read the stuff in the computer at the end of the DLC i get the cutscene and then my screen remains black. Note: I also had to do the last bit of the dlc with "tgm" because i got constant damage for no reason and i wouldnt even survive the duration of the cutscene. I tried to activate my controls again with "toggleplayercontrols" and i tried to teleport out with "coc" but when i was out in the Mojace again, i couldnt move my camera, open the pip boy or whatever but i still got constantly damage. Any help?

Are you sure you are not failing the DLC by reading the post meant for Dean, the one that clearly states do not read this because it will trap you forever in the Vault?

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I havn't used a single command all the game i just tried using them after the DLC finished to somehow get out and yes i actually read the one message that was for dean but to my defense my name is Dean aswell so i was teased :wink: Imma try again without reading it. Will edit this in a few minutes.


€dit: *SPOILER for the Ending of the Sierra Madre DLC* Alright now i had to speak to Elijah and then get him killed. I ran out of the vault and found myself in Villa again, i left to the Mojave Wasteland and had another Cutscene and this time everything worked fine BUT i still get constant damage for no reason what so ever. Heres a screenshot that shows i dont have any negative effects or whatever which could cause this so it must be a bug: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/716411322560991278/03FE6A2EE2BADC92344D2A1E268254367AA4BFF1/ (My Rad is on 8/500, since you cant see that on the screen)

Any ideas how to fix it? I cant be taking stimpaks every 30secs for the rest of the game or be in constant godmode, would suck both.. :/

Edited by ExXoTicC
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This sounds like the toxic cloud effect is still active on your character.

There should be a console command to remove those effects, looking it up...


In the meantime you could try to use a mod like this:



In regards of loading bugs of saves and cells, you could try this as well




probably it's that script:



scn NVDLC01ToxicCloudSCRIPT

;This script controls the Quest functionality for Toxic Clouds and updates every .25 seconds.
;This script will just control the damage done to the player while in the toxic cloud.
;CES 9/23/10

short bToxicCloudOn							;Variable to track if the Toxic Cloud ISFX is currently on.
													;0 - Off, 1 - On

short iToxicCloudsActive					;Variable to track the number of Toxic Clouds the player is in.

short iHealthDamage							;This is the amount of damage that is being done to the player per quest script update
													;Quest Script update time is currently 0.25 seconds.

float fTimer										;This is for the timer to delay damage by 1 second after the quest starts. Having Dean as a companion makes this longer.

short bWeatherChanged						;This tracks if we changed weather for the exteriors
													;0 - No, 1 - Yes

short fDialogueDelayTimer					;Keeps track of timer for delaying companion dialogue.

;End of Variables

BEGIN GameMode

	if (fTimer > 0)
		set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed;
		PlayerREF.DamageActorValue Health iHealthDamage;

END ;GameMode




I'd assume that one of those variables are not set. Since you can't use the console to set them correctly without having NVSE, it should be easier to use a mod like I linked above.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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Imho it's kind of a typical using-the-console-bug.


You should have reloaded your game earlier as soon as you realized, that there's a problem regarding the health drain.


Now the quest script bug stays with you, till you either set the variables, use a mod that nulifies the script or till you chose to go back before the bug happened.

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