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NPC/Scripting/Package question


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Here's the problem:


I created a spell "Manage Inventroy", which gives the player the ability to modify NPC inventories.

It works great, but I can't get the NPC to equip his items afterwards. I tried adding a UseItemAt package with no location, but that didn't work either.

Does anybody have an idea of how to get the NPC to use his junk?

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I think NPC''s auto equip the strongest stuff, so you might need to remove all items that equip in the same slot.




Also, I think NPC's only change equipment when the chance packages, so maybe you need to force a package change in the script.




Try those, and post how it goes. :happy:





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Which kind of package change?

When disabled and enabled, the NPC does an evaluation/re-load of his packages, thus equipping his stuff.


This is wildly confusing...


I've heard that The Romancing of Eyja had an effect like this, so I checked it with Notepad. (F.u.c.k. the CS -- F.u.c.k. DirectX)

It seems that the mod is using some packages, but I couldn't read what the package did...

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What do you mean what kind of package change?


The kind where the NPC stops one package, reeevaluates and chooses another (or the same one again)


Reznod's mannequins worked like this I believe.


Judging by the visual effect, it would seem mannequins disable and reenable as well.



Also, why do you have such an aversion to the CS? You can't do everything in a text editor.




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Just tell the NPC to follow the player for 1 second, and then revert to the previous package.


Don't even need to do that, just tag actor.evp at the end of your spell script (after the inventory has been changed) and they'll go through the standard stuff. Just be careful who you use it on as it can cause breaks in some quests.

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