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Realistic Needs and Diseases Bugs


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Hi fellow dragonborn =]

I started out a new character with a few mods, RN&D being one of them. Overall, I really like this Mod. But there are a few really annoying bugs that trouble me, and I hoped someone had them and found a fix.

1: Hunger and Gluttony - when I get the Hungry debuff, and eat, it usually doesn't get rid of the Hunger, it just adds Gluttony.
2: Sleeping is bad for your health - So whenever I sleep for more than 6 hours (I believe), I get dehydrated and very hungry.
3: Whenever I eat or drink to get my debuffs to go away, I seem to need to use the waiting function, or else it doesn't work. Any Idea?
4: The needs that are showed when using Check Needs don't show the same thing as the debuffs in my Active Effects menu.
This mod is great otherwise, just need to fix those. Thanks for any help!

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Could you post a load order? It may be conflicts with other mods.


The sleeping issue can be solved by a) editing the hunger/thirst times in the MCM or b) using "set timescale to 10" (default 20) to slow down the day's progression.

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