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this is pretty bad so yeah... i have no words for it.


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hello nexus and happy easter too all of you even tho it might be late.


yesterday a friend recommended me too install project ENB+climates of tamriel.


upfront he told me too remove my current ENB (RCRN)

i did that but noticed afterwards that there were still files left... yay me <<< by that time it was too late.


i went for family dinner today when i got back home i had a bleu screen with text (dont have a screenshot cus of my impatient stupidity)


the screen contained alot of codes codes i have never seen before, but neither am i a man of codes in the 1st place.


anyway when i had my pc running agian i found out that certain RCRN files where still there and that i could not delete them.


certain other directories (not only skyrim related) were corrupted and/or unreadable.

not only that but also NMM stopped working(as in there is NO WAY) too get it launched.


we tried overwriting/reinstalling NMM with no success.

this is the error message i get when trying to open NMM or a directory which is corrupted and/or unreadable.




now the only solution i can think of is try MO but i cant select my TESV.exe for whatever reason... as a matter of fact i cant select any .exe.


i am pretty much stuck and so is my friend which has helped me too his fullest. but even he doesnt really know where too go from here on out.


so thats why i am here, i would like too get my NMM back too work.

one last thing (i am unable too delete any NMM files as i have no permission>> yes not even as admin)


i will have too need atleast a mod configurator too be able too manage my 235 mods if i wish too completly erase skyrim and start from scratch.


my game worked perfectly fine beforehand just something went wrong TERRIBLY and i cant do it without you guys help!


so any suggestions or help......, I AM ALL EARS!

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This sounds like you may be having a problem with your hard drive. You should run a diagnostic program to check it.

Here is a link to a site that has quite a few - most free, some not so free. http://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/sortname/hard_disk_drive_%28hdd%29_tools.html


And, BACK IT UP - don't wait. Hard drive crashes don't wait for you. :pinch:

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.... And, BACK IT UP - don't wait. Hard drive crashes don't wait for you. :pinch:


Amen. My last HD crash went something like "I really should backup my data... yeah, someday real soon I'll backup my data... DAMMIT I wish I woulda backed up my data."

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i have not much too backup really i can just re download the programs if i want too.

if it really were my hard drive going dead then i have more problems getting a new one since i am low on money all the time.


not only that most of the time i have less then non.

my games already go through a cloud so they are saved anyways.

i just hope you guys and my clan mates are wrong cus they pretty much told me the same X(


how long does it ussually take for a drive too actually crash? like you know die?


and what if it isnt my hard drive dying?

i have actually been looking around and after a restart everything but the skyrim related stuff is working fine.

do you guys have any idea what else i could possible do if it were not my hard drive going dead?

Edited by kontjameskont
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It can vary. Sometimes if just a few sectors are bad it can be run for quite a while. But if you are losing sectors - it will start acting up more and more with things like a freeze requiring a hard reboot, blue screen, things just not working and others. If it is making noises, a ticking sound while running or squeal when spinning up - it won't last long at all. And, sometimes they give no warning at all and just die.


Hard drives are not expensive at all, and are easy to replace. Just remember that you will need an operating system CD or USB and Your Windows Key code to reinstall your windows.

Laptops can be much harder to work with though.

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yes i am prepared too reinstall windows and i am aware that i have too do that.


i was playing titanfall just now my pc froze, when i restarted it started verifying the cache which should have verified yesterday.


i could reinstall and overwrite the old files.

bassicly what it did was delete the directory which was unreadable and corrupted.


tho after deinstalling project ENB climates of tamriel and all things that came with the problem and reinstalling RCRN, i still get the following error (0xc000142) the error came before i did all this, yes i did try launching the game 1st.


anyone know what it means? do i just have too redload skyrim?

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the tool looks really nice.... sadly they ask money once you are actually about too use the tool and in my situation i dont nearly have close too enough money too spend too such things.


any other idea cus it does look like i really could use a cleanup.....

specialy after this happening.

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Check my first post for a link to a site that does have FREE tools to check your HD for bad sectors - and possibly fix some problems - That for pay site cannot fix them all either.

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