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Need help doing something in the Construction Set


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Ok, well, i reqested a few days ago for someone to replace the Battlehorn Men-at-arms armor with armor from Nexxon's altair gear..well i would like to try it myself since it seems no one else will.

So it would be really nice if anyone could maybe help or walk me through doing it as it will be my first project..and i really dont want to mess anything up and i would just prefer to have someone who knows what they are doing walking me through the process..


My MSN is [email protected] if you want to contact me via MSN


umm you can private message me, or you can just post here and ill keep an eye on this post...but once again it would be really nice if anyone could help me do this please and thanks :thumbsup:



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as far as i can tell, all you need to do is first allow loading multiple masters (not sure if a change is needed for Oblivion, but i know one is needed for Fallout, so i'll just post how it's done, and you need to see if it's needed)

if the change is needed, i think you need to go to My Documents -> My Games -> Oblivion

inside this folder, open the ConstructionSet.ini, and change the following line


change the value from 0 to 1

and this should do the trick (not sure, but it should)


then you need to load both Battlehorn and Nexxon's mod in the CS


after this, you will need to change the equipment these guards have

in the Object Menu, open the following: Actors -> NPC and find the instances of the guards that you want to change (if these are the Battlehorn Man-at-arms, just organize by name, and find these NPCs in the list)

then you will need to edit each of these NPCs inventories, to have the armor you want, and not what they have (just remove the armors in the list, and find the armor you want, and drag it into the inventory)

do this for all these NPCs that you want to change, and this should do the trick

just save and give it a try


if anything isn't working, or you need more help or anything, you are welcome to ask

do note that i'm not 100% sure that this will work, but i'm quite sure it should work properly

the best way to make sure of this, is to not set any file as active, and save this as a new plugin

this way, if something doesn't work right, you didn't damage anything, and you won't need to re-install any mod

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ok well, after 2 hours of finding and changing everything i needed to change...i went to save it and it started saving..then i dont know if it saved all the way or not, because it popped up "Construction Set has encountered a problem and needs to close, we are sorry for th inconvenience" well i proceded to activate the ESP that i just saved, and loaded the game...all the people were in their regular gear...? where did i go wrong? they all still had their normal stuff...i really dont wanna go and do all that again...



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If you want to edit something in DLC:

1. Directly edit DLC plugin. However, it may mess up the plugin(so you must backup original before doing so), and you cannot redistribute modified DLC(though it may not matter if it is only for you).

2. Make DLC a master of your mod. But the game won't allow an .esp file being dependant on other .esp files normally. To do it, you need to do mod de-isolation.

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If you want to edit something in DLC:

1. Directly edit DLC plugin. However, it may mess up the plugin(so you must backup original before doing so), and you cannot redistribute modified DLC(though it may not matter if it is only for you).

2. Make DLC a master of your mod. But the game won't allow an .esp file being dependant on other .esp files normally. To do it, you need to do mod de-isolation.

ok...this was my first time ever using CS..so um...you just spoke another language to me... xD

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