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Dark Face Bug, and Missing Mesh .inf Files


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I uninstalled everything and double checked my Steam folder to make sure Skyrim had been eradicated. After deleting what was left I reinstalled. Everything is back to the way it was. To who ever might be looking at this for advice, the only solution I have found is uninstalling everything. If you are going to do that make sure you check your Steamapps folder for Skyrim, if it's there. Kill it with fire. Which is exactly what I did to this bug. Thank the Divines!


Now I know this dark face, black face, grey face, body color mismatch, bug has been harped on repeatedly! Trust me... I have done hours upon hours of research on this. Yet! Nothing, and I mean nothing I have tried on my own accord or what other people have suggested on other forums has helped at all.

To be clear what the circumstances are let me give you the low down of what happened and what excludes me from other solutions.

1. I hear tell that this is a very large issue with apachii sky hair. I don't have this mod.

2. It doesn't effect my vampire. I have done some slight modification on her though, copying files and replacing some to make it so she still keeps her non vampiric normal map, but gets the eyes and so on.

3. It is only effecting the faces of nord females. That includes my nord warrior. No one else. (Sapphire, Mjol, and so on)

-On the note of my vampire, she too is a nord but does not suffer from this.

4. I have played with it while creating a new character. Only pops up on female nords.

5. It isn't stuck at black or grey, when the lighting on their faces shifts, the color will become very bright, or very dark. But it never, ever looks normal. I have moved around as they track me with their head to see if I could find a good tone. I haven't been able to.

6. It's only their faces, when it reaches their neck and begins to transition down into their body it actually blends quite nicely.

7. This reared its ugly head when I was installing modifications to fix a neck seam, and to get a nicer look to the females in my game.

SG Female Textures (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35267/?)

UNP Blender for SG Textures (Optional File from this mod) --> (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30759/?)

8. I have verified the integrity of my Skyrim game files through steam, it installed what I'm guessing was some missing stuff. Still didn't fix it.

9. I have heard of this being an issue while making you own or altering NPC's with a creation kit you can download, I have never touched this.


I have since uninstalled and restarted my game seeing if it would change anything but it didn't. Now, here is the next piece of information. I danced around with a couple other mods, in trying to fix the neck seam, I'm guessing that the uninstallation of one of the mods after I settled with the ones I have now could have been what messed it up. I went on a hunt for the texture files in the raw data Skyrim folders. To realize, the femalehead.inf file was not there. Body, and everything else was. Just not the head. I got a BSA extraction tool named BSAopt. I found the missing .inf pulled it and placed it in the data/meshes/actors/character/character assets file where I believe it would belong. Rebooted the game. Still. The never ending texture issues. Even with the re verification of the integrity of the files through steam it has done nothing.


I have run into dead end after dead end. And it's got me wondering if maybe I'm just a special case of bad luck. I'm boiling down to the point of uninstalling all of my modifications, and deleting Skyrim. Only, I don't want to loose my characters, and even if I did do that I've heard and read that is hasn't helped. I'm backed into a corner her and decided to make my own forum instead of bumming off of everyone elses. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Hell, I would even be happy if someone took screenshots of what each vanilla skyrim data folder was supposed to look like so I could try and repair what ever unknown damage may have been done to mine.


Sorry for being another modder out there who accidentally screwed themselves over. I will really love the help. You're all the best.


Regards, Chris Savage J.


P.S. If my description needs detail in any area, or you are confused on anything, please do not hesitate to tell me

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This happened to me the other day after using Cal's blender. It was only my character's face too. As my neck seem is only slightly somewhat noticeable I reloaded my textures and fixed it. How bad is your neck seem? Did you try this: vwr Neck Seam Fix





Edit: Sorry, I didn't fully read your post and am on some meds for a bad back.

Edited by TheHuntress1970
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