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About TheHuntress1970

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  1. I'd like to request a mod that keeps the quiver showing on your back when you shoot your last arrow. Example, when you shoot your last arrow and unless you don't have any other arrows in your inventory your quiver disappears. I was thinking that it would be better looking if an empty quiver remains unless it gets changed automatically or if you manually change it or you collect the arrows you just shot. Thanks for the interest... http://www.loverslab.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png
  2. I don't like floppy anime elf ears... personal taste as I grew up playing D&D, reading Elf Quest, etc.
  3. Tes5Edit is pretty simple. Just download, extract, and run. It finds everything automatically. When you start it, it will pop up with the list of your mods. Click OK to run. It goes through the loading process and errors out if a file is out of place.
  4. I don't use MO but have you tried to edited them to have the same number and then keep the one that works? As much as I know of MO this ini might be the one that's being read.
  5. Have you downloaded the Outfit Studio and messed around with armor? I see this sometimes if I forget to add the same piece of armor to the 0 and 1 of the same set. For example, if I delete a shoulder piece from one and not the other I'll see similar triangles that originate to the NPC who is wearing this set. Otherwise, try verifying the "integrity of the game cache..." by going to the Steam program, right-click on the game, to properties, and then local files. On the bottom you'll see this option. Have you installed any sky/cloud based textures? Other than this, maybe someone else has an idea, but you may need to reinstall the game. It happens...
  6. Try Boss... I have the same problem when running LOOT. Some mod gets placed in the wrong location of the load order and even though these programs are aren't exact if I run LOOT I typically crash right when the game starts. If I use BOSS - no issue. Edit for clarification... This is even after I run Tes5Edit and passes without an error.
  7. It came to me that one thing there should be due to so many apples in Skyrim is that there should be scrumpy (hard cider) being sold. A possible barrel to brew? 4 apples per bottle and maybe some health benefits - an apple a day...
  8. There can only be one! :) https://youtu.be/4AoOa-Fz2kw
  9. I don't know. I read somewhere when i was having issues with saves that it corrupts them. But ever since I stopped this habit my games load without the game crashing.
  10. I tried to do that but I get a error message so I will leave it for now. It might be simple but I am 65 and I get too easily worried if I am trying to instal something new. What's the error? Honestly, far from spilling Coke on the computer everything else can be fixed. Might be inconvenient but it can be fixed. Even with spilling Coke on it pieces can be replaced.
  11. It's a simple install and telling where your game is located. LOOT, is suppose to, sort your mods in a correct order; however, I've been having issues with LOOT and am having better luck with BOSS, which is suppose to be outdated - *shrug. In it's basic form TesEdit runs through your load order and will error out if mods are out of order or missing for a dependency.
  12. Good catch. Do you have supreme storms, RenrewSudoxe? And like the rest of everybody LOOT, Wyre Bash, Tes4edit are incredibly important for modded setups.
  13. Are you saving over saves? I learned the hard way that the game doesn't like this. If your alts aren't affected by this I don't think it's in regards to any game files as it would, I would think, affect everything. Have you loaded a game, minimized, deleted the saves, and then resave? Now, that I'm thinking of it auto saves are separate files. You can change when and if - IIRC - the game auto-saves in the game properties.
  14. I've recently been experiencing crashes right after the game starts. This is after a fresh install, so, this was a new game. I would run LOOT and every time I'd see Bethesda Presents *pow* to the desktop. Out of curiosity I got BOSS and ran it. My game stopped crashing after that. I have a couple of red flags. First, are the Immersive town stuff part of EtaC? I don't remember but you may be getting a conflict with these? Also your skyproc patch and bash patch need to be at the bottom of the list. I use these too with Warbug's maps and have the maps above bash and then dual sheath patch. If you're crashing after a couple of minutes of game play is it in the same area or interacting with an NPC or are you just running around? Could be a texture issue?
  15. That part should be easy. In the settings of NMM you should be able to find the location of where it expects to find your mods - under Settings > Skyrim. This will tell where your mods are expected to be found and the information about them for NMM to manage them. This is a straight file location so copy/cut and paste. NMM's folder location is separate from Skyrim's location.
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