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Motel room ceiling glitchy (pic included)


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I've had the exact same problem in my Novac Motel room mod. Not sure what is causing it but I wanted you to know you're not the only one. I feel like it must be something to do with that particular piece of geometry.



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duplicated the piece and replaced it- didn't work
there is something going on we can't see... Is your stove a 'furniture' piece with an attached idle?

Are those rubber mats? I have those as well, though it doesn't show in my pic.

I will try pulling the object piece in without duplicating it. I'll remove the furniture stove and the mats, probably get back to you tomorrow.

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The screen I took is from a older version of my mod. The issue eventually went away for me though I'm not sure why.


Try changing the amount of lights that light that particular area (start by increasing) and see what happens. If I recall, changing that might help a bit but I can't be sure.

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