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Stuck At Loadup


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Hello, I was hoping someone could help me out. I had sucess with several mods an probably bit off more than I could chew by activating too many mods at once in the OBMM. Bigger cities is the one that I think ruined me. When I deactivate it, it says some files are denied. It says that on another mod too. I don't know where things went wrong I thought I was following the guidlines of the OBMM. I deactivated all mods an now it will only get me to the menu screen but doesn't show the menu just plays the music an shows the map. Before it would just crash when I started until I deactivated my mods. I backed up my saved folder an I am just about ready to reinstall it. I have the anniversary edition on disc. Should I try reinstalling or is there something I can do to fix my game? An if I do reinstall should uninstall the OBMM or leave it as is?

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In almost every case installing one mod at a time and testing thoroughly in between is the fastest way to install mods. Even expert modders use this method (for the most part).


Use Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guide, and don't skip the registry cleaning step. Once you have the vanilla game re-installed run through the tutorial dungeon. Make a save using a new slot just before you exit the sewers. Exit the sewers and make another save in a new slot. Run around a little and get a feel for how well your computer runs just the vanilla unmodded game, including a trip to the Imperial City Market District (lots of NPCs running AI packages around there). Make adjustments to your settings until you get acceptable performance.


Once you have a good baseline of how well your machine handles vanilla Oblivion add one mod and test (you could start with Better Cities as it will have a fairly significant impact on performance). You can use OBMM to install and activate ... just remember, one at a time and test in between.


If you add one mod and then the game stops working or becomes unplayable it's a pretty trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.

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I have been using Win7x64 pro since it was in test - for me it has worked far better and been more stable than Win XP. NO compatibility mode needed.

I changed while playing Oblivion, used Win 7 only through FO3, FO:NV & Skyrim. I am skipping Win 8, and will likely eventually go with Win10.

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