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Mary! Ah my Merry lifes loves.


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I found myself viewing as a thin man of average height expertly used a butter knife in a martial art style of attacks. He struck my outer clothing four times. Once while facing me, twice while spinning around, and again as I moved further ahead. I took the hint from his right eyeballs gleam. As soon as I was able I moved away from him as far as was allowed by the four walls surrounding us.


He had silvery hair, cut short, and standing straight up in most spots. I marveled at the swift moves he made with precisioned accuracy and thanked my lucky stars he did not cut me.


Had the knife been sharp and made of metal my clothing would have had some slices in the sleeve of my left arm. Had I no room to move his light figure would have balanced and jabbed at me for awhile as he seemed determine to get attention to the fact he was so skilled.


The white walls with barred windows that the handles were missing from looked ominous as he leered at me from his right eye. I had never seen anyone quite so thin, muscular, and balanced. It made me wonder what he was doing in the room with all of us regulars. Locked away from sanitys fringe was not making me comfortable knowing a man that could slice and dice me was in the same room as the rest of the people.


Freddy would poke at me with his finger if I got to close, Milly would cry real tears if I entered her space, and John; well John could do impressions, and his favorite, when he thought no one was watching, was Abraham Lincoln. John got the least amount of attention from the sodium pendothal dealers. They did not use it to get the truth out of us here. We don't know anything the rest of the world could understand, even if it was true.


I kept things of real matter in my head. My calendar showed me it was April 5th 2009. I was aware I had been fully conscious. Unchecked by the drug now. I thought aloud in my mind, "It has been two days!" I was silencing my mind when I heard a ping in the room. It was as if someone had just cast a magical spell. I rolled back my mind to the last day I remembered being this clear headed. When I counted the x's on the cell wall I could not believe a whole month had passed.


Before Walter ever attacked me with a plastic butter knife, I had a life outside. I presume what eventually brought my sixty year old youth to the asylum was a talent I had.


Unlike Walter I could hear a pin drop in Grand Central Station during the busiest part of the day and the tone of that tiny device hitting the tile was a magical sound. It frightened me horribly the first couple of times I felt it, because my body seemed to be wrenched around by the sudden sound. I felt like a hungry animal detecting where its prey was cowering in the shadows of the moonlight.



I felt the sound shake my soul to the core, while my body seemed oblivious to the feeble note. My ears moved my head so I could catch the direction it came from and then my 257 pound five foot eight and one quarter inch tall frame slipped away as light as a cloud of smoke to find it. The first time was a cold day.


The ground was piled high with Winter snow and the walk was covered in fresh powder. I was over dressed for the cold with a gray panel coat with three inch wide green eight inch long snapped down shoulder straps for holding my black gloves and beanie hat. Where my cheeks were warmest I felt the cold upon my face there. As I walked around on the concrete sidewalks chills began to slip up around the bottom of my coat stinging my fatty skin.


My white topped basket ball shoes treads dug in and pressed down upon the shallow powder. With each cautious step the thick socks shifted inside the shoes rubbing my feet. The blue jeans leggings cuffs I rolled up high enough to keep them from dragging on the ground at my heels hung low enough to keep the snow from getting in the back of my shoes. I rolled them up just high enough so that they would not rub on the ground at any point. I always needed the valuable cloth of the legs that were too long for me for patches later. I recall the reason was because my Mother would scold me if they were worn on the fringe when I was child. One day when I was better equipped with words I asked her why she did, and she said, "Someday you will grow into them. If they are worn on the edges there will be holes where you roll them up to then".


The way the mild breeze and the sky was streaked with leading clouds I saw were a sign to me that snow clouds were not far behind. It was time for me to get moving and visit the major club for all my personal needs. I would probably need a months supply if the snow was deep and blocked the roads.



"More snow, shish. Just what we need." The sarcasm in Henries voice froze any idea in my head that I might have added a voice which that might be heard when I was thinking in my head.


"You have a nice day! Hank" was what I thought out loud, as I had become accustomed to saying to everyone as the good robot I had become. I would enhance it in the afternoon, or evening with, "Have a good afternoon, or good evening." Some strangers would look at me like they just came out of a dream that I spoiled by making them aware of the actual time of day. Most of them were retired people like I had become recently. So far the sound's of that day were dull and all of the usual.



I was walking pushing a grocery cart around the inside of the warehouse turned mega store. I felt a ripple I thought, "Was someone passing me?" It felt like someone brushed against my jackets right sleeve. I took a look to my right as the gentle rippled continued to grow since it was annoying and I felt the person must want my attention or was just being rude. At least I thought I turned my head. Suddenly my head swung around to the position and the ripple roared through my body. The adrenaline shot through my body as my minds focus raced to the spot where a tiny bells tone whispered. It seemed as though I had just run to and from a spot across the great flooring area, but I had not moved. It was as if my body was standing there waiting for the correct moment to carry out a command shouted by a drill instructor that I had not heard clearly. My body twisted and turned as swiftly as it could for a 257 pound 61 old man.


Just then I felt as though a magnet might when placed too closely to another. I found myself standing in the other part of the building. I looked down upon the tiny speck that awaited my attention. As I did a smile occurred to my lips. My body stopped and I stood overlooking the spot on the floor. In my mind it didn't seem possible I could have moved from position A to position B so quickly. I moved my head so I could look down and I crouched on bended knees for a closer look. For what had made my mouth bare the teeth and form a smile so wide my face seemed too small to bare was there. My mind grasped the fact a bit quicker than before, as I looked at a tiny key. I reached down with my right hand extending my arm out and held onto the cart rail with my left to help me keep my balance.


A magical desire arose in my childlike memories as I picked up the key. As I stood there, key in hand, a door became clear to my vision. I put the key in the lock and opened the door, let go of the cart and stepped through.

I don't recall what happened next as the mirage, or whatever it was, left me as swiftly as it had drawn me to it. I do remember pulling on the grocery carts handle and lifting myself up from a near collapse. I had a mild panic as I rose to my feet. I stood up straight. I felt taller. I looked around to see if anyone was rushing to my aid.


After I checked around the mega store for anyone running to my aid I began regaining my conscious confidence. Pushing the cart ahead I moved along the isles. I picked out the things I needed and drove the cart back through the maze of shelves with all their wares tempting me until I passed them by to get to the checkout counter. I felt a bit more relaxed as I stood by awaiting for the person ahead of me to get to the check out clerk. I saw a reflection on a glossy carton upon the checkout table and looked to see if someone was behind me. A blur on the glossy carton gave me a little bit of a tingle at the back of my neck so I turned enough to check and saw no person. Not one person stood behind me.


The fourth time I heard the sound of something far away hit the ground so clear to my ears was a day like today. While searching for a reason to go on living the retired 'life of Riley' I had been living I realized I wanted to go for walk just for the exercise. I vaguely recalled going out to dinner the night before and seeing a lovely woman half my age sitting alone at table. I remembered I had day dreamed a second, or two, before her companion arrived and sat down. I sensed the reason for wanting to go for a walk was because I wanted to be as full of life and thin again as seeing such a lovely woman as her made me yearn for. I turned away from the breeze and the drifting snow aiming my steps in the direction of the bowing barren branches on the bushes in the yard ahead. The view gave me a heading. I walked south with the wind at my back. The breeze intensified and lightened my steps causing me to fear sliding on the surface of some ice. I planted my feet more firmly and reconsidered my decision to go for a walk. I was about to pause when the wind died down completely. The rippled tickled my left ear first, my mind switched to see what was there, and my head, as always in these instances of late, followed. My head turned as a wild animals would sensing fresh game. The signals I felt were growing as my body moved more quickly. At my age and body weight I felt my lips about to speak about the strangeness occurring but I moved so easily and smooth it was clear I had learned to I forgot what I was going to say. How I became physically better prepared I don't remember. In a few seconds I was near the spot where the tone had originated. In a few more seconds I found my sight and was seeing that I held the key again before me held out to a door. I could not will my mind to stop. I felt the urge to back up.

When I stepped through and appeared on the other side a man presented me with a robe, a blade, and pointed to a horse of a different color shimmering as I looked upon it and changing every few seconds to another. I looked down briefly thinking I must change out of these old clothes as to put such a fine robe over the top of them would be shameful. My head bent down so I could see my chest, leg's, feet, and the garb I saw was different and worthy of a very wealthy man. I sensed the rippled as I straighten my posture as the motion of throwing the robe over my shoulder's occurred. I sheathed the sword and strode up the horse. I felt like I was a younger man. I shook off the desire to understand, looked to sky, searched the area, and after I was safely mounted in the saddle I shouted, "Heyah!"


The horse sank back slightly and trumpeted through its mouth a call to all ahead, "We are coming!" Leaning forward in the saddle as the black stallion pushed its front forward with his hind legs it gave up the feeling of being freed from the ground. As his nose poked ahead into a mist of white the stallion became as white as a light can get. i stared ahead over the head of the valiant horse bobbing down and up with each of its strides. Then someone nudged me from the side and all the events that followed seemed to go by too fast. The horse moving so fast I felt tears streaming from my eyes down both sides of my face. The cove was just a mile and another horses leap ahead. Something gave me a start from my left side and I thought that a sound was about to begin to take me from the travels and return me to the dirt path I had left before the door where I had been standing outdoors.


I saw something moving out of the corner of my left eye, I felt a smile growing on my lips. I remembered that someone else I knew would be on the road sooner or later. I realized the arrival was clearly then.

The time and all that was a memory of then gave up the reason for being on the route. As my oldest friend neared my side on the stead he was upon I sensed we had better get moving before we missed all the fun. "Heyah!"


Like at the mega store the whole world whipped me back to the earth where I had last seen the door. This time though I knew in my mind what the problem was that caused the effect.

I moved from the table toward the sound, and Walter came up beside me as I placed the key in the socket.

"Going somewhere? Old man!" the look on his face gave the term old man a new meaning to me as we both knew we had to get through the door together.


Briefly I suspected something foul was about to happen. Maybe a pin prick or another plastic knife attack.


I pressed the door knob latch down, "Yes! Are you ready, Sir Walter?!"


"Ready your highness!"


We plunged through nearly knocking Fred off his feet,


"What, what!" he sputtered.


Milly held up the wreath for the crowning event and said, "She's a lovely one you have chosen to be your bride, Sir. I will miss being your personal attendant. Your Mother would be so proud." Tears beginning to flow as she held the wreath a bit tightly before she let go of the wedding crown I was to give to my future bride.


"My Father too I hope." nodding to her, I reached out to catch a tear to bless the woman and keep it close to my heart, and caressing her cheek with my palm. "You will always be my Mother Milly. Even she would have it so in her stead."

Fred's cough struck my ears, "Congratulation, Sir. You must hurry. Sir. You would not want this special occasion to go by without you." Looking at me and then over to Walt, "And you Sir Walter, I dare say your bride will not be any more the comforted if you have that sticker in your sleeve when you gain her hand."


"Oh! Thanks to you Fred. " Removing the knife from his sleeve he handed it to Fred. Looking over at me, "I forgot. Let's go!"


As I looked ahead I could see John, being patient as always, rehearsing the ceremonial lines he was to give today. "We better get to our places as John looks a little paler colored today then he did early this morning."


"Right! It's finally happening! It seems like we have been waiting a lifetime for this. Are you ready?" Sir Walter looked me in the eye.

"Ready! I promised to be chaste the day I found her until we married and holding back the reigns is becoming more difficult as we speak. Am I ready?" Darkly staring on his face for a second. "Walt, am I holding your lust back too; or did you forget another knife?"


His look agreed it was nearly as difficult for him, as mine was for me, and we strode up to our posts, as was the method of royalty.


The call went out and the dire dread fielded on John's face faded away as we made the stand where we awaited. The brides march began and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen stepped up to the isle alongside Walter. Second to only my lovely bride whose red hair streamed out behind like a wedding dress train. Tho, it was on my lips as she took my hand and I dared not say her name until the I do's were done, so I just thought it, Mary Magi-Adallien.


"Come on! What now! Where are you taking me?!" I glared up at the RN standing next to the gurney which had Walter stretched out on it.


"I thought this was the last time Mr. but it looks like you've been bad again." The nurses growl died down as he turned his head to look upon the man on the gurney. Walter Renfield smiled grimly up upon my face.


I stared politely back at the baby blue jammies on the person as my indignant glare soon rose so I was staring him in the face as he was putting me back in my coffin, "Oh! What happened?! Whose messed up blood did I drink this time? That was such a great story I was having. Humph!" Then as suddenly as the sound used to break my solitude I realized what had happened. I stared out to give a last farewell to the frail old skinny plastic knife wielding sniper, "Oh! I see! See, you tonight Walter!" :laugh:




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