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i need a GAMING LAPTOP + other questions

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You want to wait and see if they mention the system requirements for TES V when they shed some more light on the game in February.
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I would recommend this one.

I paid $1200 for it on sale at Best Buy because it is a discontinued model. I believe that $1200 is equal to or less than 1,000 Euros. My laptop runs Civilization V, and Fallout: New Vegas with no frame-skipping on medium-high settings. I would check out the Asus website for gaming laptops. Alienware is horrendously overpriced and aimed at people who don't know a PS/2 port from their own anus. Asus is by far the best brand of laptops I have ever seen, especially for the money(Basically Macintosh aesethics and functionality for the price of a Windows machine).

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