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Oblivion Child Race!


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It appears hidden to me. I was off to check it out..


I did the announcement abit to early! Trying to upload a new file but for some reason it declines bcause of same name or certain symbols ARG! almost done!

Just like me to skip over that. Oops.

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Hello Hinigashi!


I have download your first and second release of your mod few days ago (i have comment twice to , dunno if you remeber me :)


Btw... i'm back for see how the work progress and have just see the file is set to hidden. Like you have say on your post here you may have be hide him to prevent some usage abuse.


So i have twice lil questions ;


First; do you have voluntary set him to hide, or that's just a little error / bug like the first release?


And second; If you have voluntary hide him; how can i be informed and, maybe obtain, the news release (if new release exist :) )


Thanks for your time anyway ^^

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