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Oblivion Child Race!


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This looks good! Keep up the good work! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif


Thanks ^^, I just Hope it attracts the right people.. but thats wishful thinking i guess ;/



There will always be some who don't use things for the purpose they were intended, but there will obviously be plenty who will use it for the right purpose.


At any rate, have a kudos.


Yep true, Thats why i said, if it gets out of hand, and if i see it does. I shall remove the Mod, No questions asked.

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My guess is the majority of users will use it as intended. Me, I very likely won't. Although I'm a male, I tend to use adult female characters most of the time. If I have to stare at someones butt for 500+ hours, it might as well be a nice one.
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My guess is the majority of users will use it as intended. Me, I very likely won't. Although I'm a male, I tend to use adult female characters most of the time. If I have to stare at someones butt for 500+ hours, it might as well be a nice one.


LOL amen Brother! World of Warcraft Excuse FTW :thumbsup:

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I think the fact that you uploaded a male-only version (for the time being, at any rate) is a good start. Get people used to the idea of the mod first... and hope nobody... abuses it. If you get my drift. Having a female version would definitely cause some, er, rather unsavoury images. Probably not on here thanks to the rules that ban that sort of stuff, but there are other Oblivion-based image share sites, and I sure as heck don't want to come across CP in any form.



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I think the fact that you uploaded a male-only version (for the time being, at any rate) is a good start. Get people used to the idea of the mod first... and hope nobody... abuses it. If you get my drift. Having a female version would definitely cause some, er, rather unsavoury images. Probably not on here thanks to the rules that ban that sort of stuff, but there are other Oblivion-based image share sites, and I sure as heck don't want to come across CP in any form.




The sad thing is, there's nothing you can do about these things. Finally got around to playing as "Young Link" btw. Those Legion guards never know that the sword would fly through their skull...


Child + Kokiri Sword + Deadly Reflex V6 = Pwnage

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Ok, I might be completely overlooking something simple here, but....


Why the obse and the scripting and all of such? Why not just make it a race?






Because the child race is useing its own Body! Normal vanilla only works with 2, Male and female, so if i did it for male, yeah, you would see my point ;P


Not like fallout sadly ;/


P.S Thanks guys for the support! ITS UP SOON, i just had to make discription more clearer!

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