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Safe Storage?


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Noob question here...is there a chest readily available (in a guild hall, say) where items can be safely stored without disappearing? Right now I've got a room ankle deep in alchemical ingredients. If the game doesn't have it, can anyone recommend a simple mod to add it?
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The chests in any house you buy are safe, as is the one in the room given in Aleswell Inn after you complete the quest for them. Aleswell is on the red ring road due north of the Imperial City. The cheapest house storage is Imperial City (2000 gold plus the house storage of about 750 gold). There are innumerable mods but you can probably manage without on this issue.
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Guest Tessera
  Parakleet said:
Ah! In fact, I visited Aleswell quite early in the game. It never occurred to me to go back there. That should work for now...thanks much!


I'm sure you already know this, but just in case...


When you're ready to buy a house, the haunted house in Anvil is a great one to start off with. For the meager price of 5000 gold, plus a sort-of "exorcism," you get a great big mansion near the water. The quest is fairly easy... you just need the 5000 gold to start it, of course.

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Another chest that is safe for staorage is the one Jauffre unlocks for you at Weynon Priory at the start of the Main Quest.


General rule of thumb is that any one-time treasure trove (a chest you can draw treasure from only once) is safe for storing items later. This includes the Captain's chest aboard the Marie Elena, and the chest that Jorundr buried near Bruma.

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