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An interesting problem: G.E.C.K and Fo:NV crash.


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So, I'm working on this mod which adds a rather large new location. And I've just started out with the concept and the exterior. The exterior worked fine, and when i felt happy with it's NPC's, pathing and items, I moved on to the first interior. Now, this interior is nothing else than huge, with a large chasm and a utility light and feel to it. Featuring utility tunnels and large open spaces with pipes and generators criss-crossing each other. Now here's the funny part: I had just finished the door to the outside and linked it to my cell, which still was far from complete, but never the less was large part of the overall design. So when i felt it was time to try out the cell, i toggled my ESP and loaded the game... Upon which it crashed. I to launch the game without the mod and it worked fine. I figured there had to be some simple bug among the sea of bugs Fallout 3 and New Vegas has, so i loaded the mod in the G.E.C.K to see if i could resolve it... Upon which it crashed. I loaded without the mod, and it worked nicely.


This interior is currently just static objects and a door to the outside. It is large, and with many similar peaces (loads of platforms, pipes ect). Anyone has any idea what might be wrong?

Thanks in advance :)

- Razablanco

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It's frustrating when you make a bunch of changes all at once, and then a problem occurs. Do you have any backups or other saves from when you were partway through? Otherwise, if you cannot bring up the mod in either geck or the game, can you bring it up in fnvedit? You might be able to delete some of your changes in fnvedit, and then see if it will come up in geck.
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Backups? Partially, yes. I have the auto-saves. But as many bugs there are in New Vegas, one of them concern the auto-saves. See, when i convert a .BAK file to an .ESP, the G.E.C.K no longer lets me save on that file. I load up a newly made ESP converted from BAK and it won't let me save, it behaves as if i saved, but the changes are not there, no error, just a warning that asks if i want to save before exiting when i try to cross out the window. And when i there press save, it just aborts the cross out and acts like nothing happened. Stupid as i am, i didn't make any direct copies of the ESP itself since i had no idea static objects could make an effect like this. I am however aware of all the changes made before the crash:

Guards outside changed from very aggressive to aggressive.

A door added at the exterior and linked to the interior.

And natural a door to the interior.

A rough part of the interior, not nearly complete, but still a nice draft of what to make. Mainly composed of platforms, utility tunnels and pipes.

A few dust storms and sandstorms to hide the bottom of a chasm.


That's about it really.

The exterior is however located on a structure far out of the bounds of the map. About 2000m directly west of Cesars camp, in the ocean. Could this mean anything for the doors?

Anyway, thanks for the reply! :) I'll see about this fnvedit and see if i can't delete some changes

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Hi again!

Just tried that trick with Fnvedit and it worked like a charm. I deleted both the doors and the dust and sandstorms, this let me load the game. I've now backuped all my files. so i can prevent this from happening again. :)

Thanks for all your help :D


---- Edit ----

Well, sort of solved anyway. I traded one problem for another...

I used fnvedit to delete the apparent problems. And when i was done, the editor gave me two files. One was called (Filename).Esp.Save.2010_12_12_15_07_28 or something. My point being "this is no longer an ESP". So i opened properties and removed the lines after the esp, So i ended up with (filename).esp. I loaded it up in the G.E.C.K to make some changes and when i pressed save... The same god-damned problem that i had with my auto-saves. It won't save. It's that simple. I press the save button, and the screen blinks a little as it tends to do when i save, and when i try to cross out the program to try it out. It asks if i want to save... So sure, i press yes and the exit is aborted and the save not registered. In short. Saving don't work.

I would be deeply appreciative if someone could help me with this. I would loose two days of work if i had to delete the file and do it over again. :(


Edited by Razablanco
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The file with the long name is the backup file which fnvedit created for you. This should be a copy of your original file. So if the original didn't work before, then the one with the long name won't work either, in the same way. When you use fnvedit and save, can you now bring up the file with the normal name?


Your earlier description was about a "crash". Your current description is "won't save". The problem of "won't save" could possibly be due to errors which geck would like to display about your file. Suppose the file had some errors, and you went to save. In most programs, an error dialog would be displayed, and you would fix the errors, and then you could save. However, somehow geck is crippled about displaying error messages. I highly recommend to get geck powerup. This will uncripple geck, to display these messages. That may help. For me, I find that geck powerup displays too many messages; but at least I can easily see which are related to my mod and which aren't.

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