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serious question about using other mods for standalone NPCs


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Ok, So I am working on a bit overhaul...I have been for about 6 months now. I had included several hairs from KS Hairdos in the file to make them standalone. Then that got pulled...I was also wanting to include a few from SG Hairpack...but that is not available here. I have already redone so many of these people with KS Hairdoes...and while I can go back...and relink paths, and make these have dependencies. I would rather not, if i don't have to. I have seen several mods that use styles from KS in a stanalone mod, and they do not get taken down. Conversly, I have seen some that have been taken down, and I have seen some that use SG hairs that are still up, and some that have been removed.


I know that when KS was up, it said it was free to use as long as credit was given.


So, can someone please explain to me, what are the rules here. When can I use and not use to finish this up. I have already put so much time into this, I really don't want it to get pulled when it does go up. What is safe to include, what is not safe to include, and what do I just need to make as a dependency...because I as I said, I can reroute all the paths, as horrifying as that would be time-wise. But I really don't want to if I don't have to.

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It depends on the permissions for the mod in question, if the permissions for KS were indeed free use when credit is given, you'll probably be fine, and as it's taken down nobody's going to complain. It might still be worth contacting the author if possible, but I'd probably say it is safe.


That being said, if the author removed the mod to protect intellectual property, don't be surprised if Nexus do take anything with it in down, they'll try and respect the authors rights regardless of what platforms they post on, as the should.


Overall though, I think you should be safe unless the author themselves have a problem with it.

Edited by Daedthr
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Yeah, KS has been uploaded elsewhere, but before it was down it just said that it was fine to use them for anything, as long as permission was given to Shocky, Stealthic Khaos, and Kalilies (I had already put it into a spreadsheet of "mods used for characters').

However, it was taken down from the Nexus...and I am not 100% sure why. I have heard several different reasons, including that it use resources without permission. But I do not know that. I am also using Apachii Hairs, Demoness Hairs, and I was trying to get permission to use Ponytail hairstyles (but their inbox is full, so I cannot get through, and will not use that one until I can get an answer). But I just don't want to step on any toes. I have been very scrupulous about getting permissions prior to this for everything else in the mod (it is a really big overhaul, not just NPCs) And I just don't want the whole thing to come crashing down for one thing I am unsure on, and cannot find out information about.

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Hmm, upon reviewing the rules I'd certainly try and get permission, I can quote this from here:


"All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. If you cannot provide proof of consent when asked then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.

If you have received permission to use someone elses assets in your files you should always credit them. If you don't credit assets you've used from other users you will be considered a thief and you're likely to be banned; so it's very important you credit the work of others that you have used.

Note: crediting other people's work does not entitle you to use their work. You must always get permission from the creator of the work first before you upload it to the site."



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what concerns me more, is why these were taken down. Even if they allow for open use, if they were pulled for using other assets without having permission, then I would be using theirs, with permission, but it would still be infringing other other people's rights. SG hairs is very iffy, and I think I would rather just make that one a requirement, but KS is the one that really bothers me, since I have permission, but if they were pulled for not having all of their permissions in order, I could inadvertently using someone else's stuff without permissions. If that even makes sense.


Like I said, I have been very meticulous about getting permissions, or only using resources that have open permissions. I would not spend this much time on something if I was not serious about doing it right. which is where the confusion comes in.

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