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Azani Blackheart Quest Always Freezes at Atatar


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I've got a serious game issue that's stopped me playing dead in my tracks. I'm on the Azani Blackheart quest (level 37) just after searching Arpenia with Modryn Oreyn. When we get to the second Ayeleid ruin 'Atatar', the game always freezes at the transition loading the ruin. I've played this quest over and over several different times in several different ways (from the moment I accepted the mission until it freezes), but the outcome's always the same. I hope someone here might be able to help me fix this or shed light on the problem... I'd be really grateful to be able to continue this great game.

For now, I've started a new game just to keep playing.

FYI: I'm really a rookie at this game and don't know all the problems and fixes for Oblivion, however, I've had my fair share of crashes and save accordingly. I tried downloading some mods one time, but they got erased when I had to re-install Oblivion due to confusion with questionable Wrye Bash and BOSS installs (that I don't know how to work or install correctly).

I've been playing with an ATI 1GB Radeon graphics card on Ultra High settings without a real problem up until now. I use FRAPS to keep an eye on frame rate and at the time of the last freeze, my fps was at 47 - usually it flutters between 58-60 fps. I've tried playing this quest at medium video settings with the same outcome, and my video drivers are up-to-date. Does anyone have a suggestion as to why my game is freezing, and at the same location? Thank-you in advance for any help.

Oh there is one other thing. Before I updated my video drivers, I was noticing on highter levels (can't say how high), the character animations arising from spell casting would lag terribly. In fact, they would stall for several minutes before slowly playing out (even doors wouldn't open immediatley). Now I have newer drivers, this doesn't seem to be such a consistent problem, but stuttering is still slightly there. However, now I have restarted the game with a new low level character none of this animation lag is there at all - the game plays normally like it did when I first started!

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You may be nearing the dreaded Oblivion animation ABomb limit. The easiest way to fix this (via your saved game) is with Wrye Bash. It may be time for you to take the time to learn how to use Wrye Bash correctly.
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You may be nearing the dreaded Oblivion animation ABomb limit. The easiest way to fix this (via your saved game) is with Wrye Bash. It may be time for you to take the time to learn how to use Wrye Bash correctly.


Thank you Hickory for the quick reply. I'll do as you suggest and retry installing Wrye Bash. The last time something went wrong and the Mopy folder wasn't where it should've been. I must have done something wrong. I remember, I re-installed Oblivion in Games Folder, as per someone's suggestion, and I couldn't find the Mopy folder. When I think about it, this suggestion was for Vista users, and I use XP anyways. I'll try re-installing Oblivion with the default settings, this should correct the problem and I should be able to install WB. I understand BOSS is also a necessary program, should I install this after WB or before do you think? I can tell this is going to be a steep learning curve for me, taking one step at a time. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to answer my post, I really appreciate it. Of course you realize, when I get WB correctly installed I'll probably require help with my save file:P Well, thanx again, 'till the next time.

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You should always install games, and Oblivion especially, outside of Program Files -- essential with Visat/Win7, but even in XP it is desirable. Regarding installing Wrye Bash and BOSS, you should install them both together. In use, BOSS should always be updated (BOSS can do this automatically) and used whenever you install, remove or edit a mod... every single time. After using BOSS, your Bashed Patch should be rebuilt and then, (if performance is not an issue for you), run TES4LODGen, which generates things like distant trees, rocks etc. so that you don't get 'floating' distant objects. If performance is an issue you can dispense with TES4LODGen. Always remember the order, though: BOSS --> Bash --> TES4LODGen.


Regarding installing Wrye Bash, you first need Wrye Python 03a, then the 275 self installer, and afterwards, the 290 archive update. All you have to do with the archive update is to extract the entire contents to your \Oblivion\ folder (NOT Data). Finally, make sure that the Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw shortcut points to your actual \Oblivion\Mopy\ folder.

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Okay, I've got Wrye Bash installed as you directed with Python 03a installed first, then Wrye Bash self-installer 275, followed by the 290 archive version update extracted to the Oblivion folder. There was a Wrye Bash 287 Archive update in the download list also (I don't have this installed as you didn't indicate this in required). Then I installed BOSS into the default directory. Everything went fine until I looded at a Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide and the pics didn't correspond with my install. There's supposed to be a BOSS laucher icon at the bottom of Wrye Bash which there isn't in my install, and the WB Pictorial Guide shows the 290 version of WB in its pics... my install only shows the 275 version. Another thing, after right clicking on the WB 'File' header as shown in pic guide #2, I don't get the "BOSS Disable Lock Times" option as shown in the WB guide, pic #2. Indications are that my installation is incorrect. Can you help me with this please I'd really appreciate it?


BTW, I tried installing BOSS before WB and the results were the same, there still is no BOSS launch icon at the bottom of WB and the File option menu doesn't appear to be correct. I can't really proceed with any other installartions or my Azani Blackheart problem until I can get this sorted out first. Thanks again for any help you can offer me Hickory or anyone else for that matter.

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Did you extract the v290 archive to your \Oblivion\ folder, or to your \Oblivion\Data\ folder? The archive MUST be extracted directly to the \Oblivion\ folder. It has a 'Data' and a 'Mopy' folder structure inside, which must overwrite the installer version. If you have done this, then it may be an issue with Win7/Vista's UAC and the default Oblivion install location in the protected 'Program Files' folder structure. It is a must that games like Oblivion be installed outside of Program Files, somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion to prevent Windows from placing things in a virtual folder, confusing other softwares.
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You need to install v287 then 290 as certain files needed by 290 are in previous archives.


Upon reinstalltion you need to ensure you properly install Wrye Bash and the Python Libraries. Proper procedure is as follows.


  1. Go to Control Panel and remove anything with the word Python in it.
  2. Next, uninstall Wrye Bash and delete the Mopy folder. If you used the installer version you should have an uninstaller as well.
  3. After you have removed everything related to Python and Wrye Bash it's time to reinstall, properly.
  4. Install WryePython03a from the Wrye Bash page here on TESNexus
  5. Install Wrye Bash 275 from the Self-Installer
  6. Update to Wrye Bash 287 by overwriting the Oblivion\Mopy folder.
  7. Finally, Update to Wrye Bash 290 by again overwriting the Mopy folder.
  8. Go to your Oblivion Mopy folder and create a shortcut for Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw and send to desktop.
  9. You're done! Double click the shortcut and Wrye Bash should launch and you're good to go.


Wrye Bash v291 will be released as a full Self-Installer version and will eliminate many of the above steps. It's currently in BETA and it's working very well, I've had virtually no problems with v291. The full release to the public should happen in the near future so keep your eyes open for it.


The Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Newbies is also and excellent way to get your hands dirty with Wrye Bash. Check it out!


If Wrye Bash fails to start or you are still having issues, you need to post the bug dump information here or in the Official Thread @ BethSoft for someone to look over.


Good luck!

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You need to install v287 then 290 as certain files needed by 290 are in previous archives.


I was unaware of that, probably because I've upgraded as they have come along. That situation is the craziest thing, and I have to wonder why an upgrade is not an upgrade, and 287 is still listed under 'old versions'. No wonder people get confused with Wrye Bash.


Which files are not included in the 290 upgrade?

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Well there are 24 total files and folders in the v287 Mopy folder and the Archive itself is 2.82 MB.


There are only 16 files and folders in the v290 Mopy folder and the Archive itself is 1.19 MB.


With all the changes and added features from 275 to 287+ there must be some crucial details missing and that's why you cannot simply skip from 275 to 290. At least that's always been my understanding and I explicitly remember reading this in an official thread around the time when the 287+ updates were being released. I looked through some previous threads and found the THIS post which mentions this requirement also. It was mentioned previous to that as well by the WB team I just didn't feel like digging any further.


No worries though all of this will be resolved when 291 is released as I mentioned previously. It's a full installer version. :thumbsup: The BETA is out and it's fairly stable with only a few bugs. I'm using it to try and help report and get these things resolved for a nice stable installer version for the public. This should help cut down on these confusion threads about installation and upgrading. Since you'll only need two downloads to fully install Wrye Bash up to the most current version. You'll only need Wrye Python 03a and the v291 Installer. Much simpler that way.


Just comparing the two Mopy folders of v287 and v290 I immediately notice the following files are not present in v290's Archive









Since the above files have been updated many times throughout the multiple releases from v275 through v286 the changes necessary to support newer versions simply are not present in the old 275 files. That's the only logic that makes sense anyway.


The Extras folder within the Mopy folder is also missing which contains the Bashed Patch ESP and a Blank ESP. This is why it's only an update version obviously.

Edited by Smooth613
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Well there are 24 total files and folders in the v287 Mopy folder and the Archive itself is 2.82 MB.


There are only 16 files and folders in the v290 Mopy folder and the Archive itself is 1.19 MB.


With all the changes and added features from 275 to 287+ there must be some crucial details missing and that's why you cannot simply skip from 275 to 290. At least that's always been my understanding and I explicitly remember reading this in an official thread around the time when the 287+ updates were being released. I looked through some previous threads and found the THIS post which mentions this requirement also. It was mentioned previous to that as well by the WB team I just didn't feel like digging any further.


No worries though all of this will be resolved when 291 is released as I mentioned previously. It's a full installer version. :thumbsup: The BETA is out and it's fairly stable with only a few bugs. I'm using it to try and help report and get these things resolved for a nice stable installer version for the public. This should help cut down on these confusion threads about installation and upgrading. Since you'll only need two downloads to fully install Wrye Bash up to the most current version. You'll only need Wrye Python 03a and the v291 Installer. Much simpler that way.


Just comparing the two Mopy folders of v287 and v290 I immediately notice the following files are not present in v290's Archive









Since the above files have been updated many times throughout the multiple releases from v275 through v286 the changes necessary to support newer versions simply are not present in the old 275 files. That's the only logic that makes sense anyway.


The Extras folder within the Mopy folder is also missing which contains the Bashed Patch ESP and a Blank ESP. This is why it's only an update version obviously.


Thanks for the clarification. One still has to wonder why an essential file is placed under 'Old Versions', though, or why the essential files were not included in the 290 upgrade. :confused:

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