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offline help for construction set


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i dont have the internat at my place, i can only get on it from friday to sunday, and i need alot of help with the construction set, scripting rules yadda yadds, however the only sources are wiki (online) and the help button that is online as well, is there a downloadable tutorial for scripting or tutorial for in general everything.


if not nifty ill just research my buns off from friday to sunday


(still working on my heros guild too :D coming along well)



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I was in your position once. I copied and pasted many sections of the wiki into word documents for offline use. It takes awhile but it works.



I have slow home internet too, and I use a different computer for modding than for internet connection so the evil Microsoft people and hackers can't get hold of my baby that I spent so much time building. I cutpaste a LOT, so I've just got a whole folder in OpenOffice for mod tutorials. It's faster for reference than the internet anyway.

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When something's got into my head, it usually stays there. I mod all I can on "offline days", write my problems down, then look up WIKI things whenever I get around to it.
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