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The Dragonborn, who do you think it is?


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Although it is kind of confusing, since the last of the Dragonborn died in Oblivion. I quote from Oblivion concercning what Baurus said about Martin "He truly was the Dragonborn... the last, and perhaps the greatest of all the Septims."


What? Martin dies?? :blink: (j/k)


I agree with you and AlienSlof - watching the trailer gave me a sense that the player is the Dragonborn; I can't imagine how he or she could possibly be another Septim. My second thought is perhaps there's a way for the player to bring Martin back from existence as a statue ... is it too much to hope he's not really dead? Hmm, no, that's stretching it. Most likely it's the player.


hmm... bringing Martin Back... that's a good thing. ^_^


maybe... just maybe, there would be two kinds of Dragons in Skyrim. one is good, and one is bad. just my thought. ^_^

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Hmm... considering they said that the Dovahkiin was more or less an ancient order of dragon hunters who could absorb the abilities of the dragon they slew and use them by speaking in dragon tongue (which I believe is hard to do since different anatomy and dragons (except Akatosh) would normally be hostile to the lower races). This would indicate some kind of divine blessing to do so, likely from Akatosh himself. Don't know where the Tiber Septim thing is coming from since Alessia made the pact with AKATOSH, and therefore Akatosh is likely the true father of the Dragonborn in a kind of blessing sense. Akatosh was born a Daedra but became an Aedra when he helped in the creation of Nirn (judging from what I have read on the UESP wiki) along with the other 7 Aedra. Tiber became an Aedra somehow (not so sure on this) and was reborn as Talos.


But... I am totally confused as to what they mean by Dragonborn. To the dragons, the Dovahkiin are the bane of their kind, unique mortals with the ability to slay their kind and take their powers. Maybe it is some kind of strange phenomenon unrelated to the Aedra themselves or the Septim line. Who knows. Only time will tell.

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If the player is Martin's son/daughter how does that explain the different races you can be?? :ermm: :wacko:


That's a good point, I really don't want to be a half high elf.Also, Bethesda's already said that Skyrim takes places 200 years after the events of Oblivion, so I don't see how you can be Martin's child unless your character is somehow immortal.


Also everything that Bethesda's told us says that the character you play is the Dragonborne, not just some guy you help out in the main quest.So YOU are the protagonist this time around, no more sitting on the sidelines.

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To me, I'd have to say an invasion of Dragons/Akaviri sounds most likely. Dovahkiin sounds like one of the Akaviri languages. "No-one wanted to believe they existed" sounds like the seeming refusal to mention them, and its impossible the player's Martin's son/daughter as TES V takes place 200 years after Oblivion.


Just my thoughts.

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I hope it's the PC character. I so want to be a Bosmeri Empress. Or at least worthy nobility . <3 :D


From what little we do know already though, it's looking very likely that we will be le Dragonborn in Skyrim!




And it isn't at all implausible that a non-Imperial could also be Dragonborn. If you ARE Imperial you could pretend Martin had a kid at some point that you're descended from. If you're NOT Imperial, you could pretend that it happened through some interracial relations generations back in your family. Or that, as has been said, you were simply "chosen" by the Divines and granted the status of Dragonborn.

Edited by Lehcar
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If the player is Martin's son/daughter how does that explain the different races you can be?? :ermm: :wacko:


It wouldnt be his son/daughter because skyrim is 200 years AFTER the oblivion crysis.... if any thing it would be his great great great grandson/daughter...


also im thinking the dragon born is either a long lost line of Dragonborn that has been long forgotton...OR the dragon born are born under special circumstances...like starsign of enchantment or something along those lines....anybody agree?

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I'm thinking more and more that the player is either the reincarnation of Tiber Septim, or that he/she is hand-picked by Talos or Akatosh.


The former makes sense because Bethesda has already been that route with Morrowind, as the player was the reincarnation of Indoril Nerevar. Reincarnation also seems to be a big thing in the Elder Scrolls. Supposedly, souls are recycled in the "dreamsleeve." People go there when they die, and await a new body. Supposedly... :wink:


Being hand-picked by Talos or Akatosh also makes sense. Talos seems to be a patron of heroes. So, perhaps his avatar will make an appearance in Skyrim, like when the player was about to go through the Ghostfence in Morrowind.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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