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Also the Most EPIC rpg of all time is supposed to come out in 2011 is, well i hope it will... Diablo3 .


Read the Skyrim release trailer page, its going to use a whole new engine.

Edited by Thor.
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since its goin to be in skyrim, and going to be running on improved fallout 3 / oblivion engine, do you guys think a hardcore mode will exist? comeplete with hypothermia and frostbite?


I hope that the Bethesda programmers who made the Fallout and Oblivion engine were kicked, to be honest. The FO3 engine was HORRIBLE. The oblivion engine was tolerable but really, only because of the modding community. I have played Oblivion since the release of the GOTY edition, but the world feels void. The NPCs are jarringly horrible in terms of tone, movements, etc. In all honesty, if the game ES:5 doesn't start with a new engine ENTIRELY then the game isn't gonna be as fun. I've played Oblivion for 4 years. I need a different experience entirely from it. not something similar but in a new place. I saw the teaser trailer, and my only thought was "please don't let them mess this up." I WANT this to be great, and earn GOTY, but I am going to have tough expectations from a company that is making money hand over fist now. it will be a 2011 game, and I want it to feel like it.

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I hope that the Bethesda programmers who made the Fallout and Oblivion engine were kicked, to be honest. The FO3 engine was HORRIBLE. The oblivion engine was tolerable but really, only because of the modding community. I have played Oblivion since the release of the GOTY edition, but the world feels void. The NPCs are jarringly horrible in terms of tone, movements, etc. In all honesty, if the game ES:5 doesn't start with a new engine ENTIRELY then the game isn't gonna be as fun. I've played Oblivion for 4 years. I need a different experience entirely from it. not something similar but in a new place. I saw the teaser trailer, and my only thought was "please don't let them mess this up." I WANT this to be great, and earn GOTY, but I am going to have tough expectations from a company that is making money hand over fist now. it will be a 2011 game, and I want it to feel like it.


First off, I want to point out that no Bethesda programmer made the engine for either of the games - That was Emergent Game Technologies' work... :)

And I really think Oblivion and Fallout 3 earned the GOTY, but that is a subjective opinion. :D


And third, yes, they are using an ENTIRELY new engine...


So, all is good! :D

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