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Doesn't use Gamebryo


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Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?


I guess with the whole tearing it down and rebuilding it with similar codes and such make it Gamebyro. If it was they ill have to pay for it. And calling it the Creation Engine would be illegal you should realize. Also I see many sites call it Gamebyro 2.0 As I said if you destroy something then rebuild it. That is not the same thing at all. If so then the new ME 3 engine would be the Unreal 3 engine. That doesn't make sense so The Creation Engine doesn't.

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Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?


I guess with the whole tearing it down and rebuilding it with similar codes and such make it Gamebyro. If it was they ill have to pay for it. And calling it the Creation Engine would be illegal you should realize. Also I see many sites call it Gamebyro 2.0 As I said if you destroy something then rebuild it. That is not the same thing at all. If so then the new ME 3 engine would be the Unreal 3 engine. That doesn't make sense so The Creation Engine doesn't.


I saw a recent John Carmack interview where he talks about this .. He basicly says that every engine started by stealing hundreds of things from another engine .. When you keep an engine for internal use but call it your own what your really saying is that you stole it and rebuilt it for your own use lol .. and there is a lot of paranoia about lawsuits since most engines have hundreds of copyright issues that no one talks about .. its just part of the game when it comes to game engines.

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It's a new engine, it's just based on another engine. So, no, it's not GameBryo 2.0, it IS the Creation Engine. ;)


Most engines nowadays are made that way, as it is much easier than starting totally from scratch.

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Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?


I guess with the whole tearing it down and rebuilding it with similar codes and such make it Gamebyro. If it was they ill have to pay for it. And calling it the Creation Engine would be illegal you should realize. Also I see many sites call it Gamebyro 2.0 As I said if you destroy something then rebuild it. That is not the same thing at all. If so then the new ME 3 engine would be the Unreal 3 engine. That doesn't make sense so The Creation Engine doesn't.


I saw a recent John Carmack interview where he talks about this .. He basicly says that every engine started by stealing hundreds of things from another engine .. When you keep an engine for internal use but call it your own what your really saying is that you stole it and rebuilt it for your own use lol .. and there is a lot of paranoia about lawsuits since most engines have hundreds of copyright issues that no one talks about .. its just part of the game when it comes to game engines.


He is right in that aspect. But you got to realize one code different is miles different then the original. So it is easier going from scraps because it is easier to monitor it than the other option.

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I just wanted to repeat what Nick Breckon said on Twitter back in December:

We can now confirm that the TES V: Skyrim engine is all-new. And it looks fantastic.


I don't know about you guys...but when I hear a dev saying it's ALL-NEW, it's all new. Just because it bears a resemblance to Gambryo doesn't mean it's built from it.

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I don't buy it for a moment .. It all-new could be twisted to mean other things too.. I'm sorry but this is the same engine just modded to have a new animation system and shadowing.. as well as some other things


Kind of odd because what I've seen from the Gamebyro tech, it would probably be glitchy with what they are doing. Tech can only advance so far and I doubt it could go into a Skyrim-like engine. That is why that rebuilt it. It may seem like Gamebyro on the cover but on the inside its the Creation Engine.

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I don't buy it for a moment .. It all-new could be twisted to mean other things too.. I'm sorry but this is the same engine just modded to have a new animation system and shadowing.. as well as some other things


Kind of odd because what I've seen from the Gamebyro tech, it would probably be glitchy with what they are doing. Tech can only advance so far and I doubt it could go into a Skyrim-like engine. That is why that rebuilt it. It may seem like Gamebyro on the cover but on the inside its the Creation Engine.



Maybe your right and I hope you are .. But looking at the screenshots it looks like Fallout with shadows. Maybe its just the art assets and they are being made by the same modelers .. But the renders look exactly the same aside from the shadows... a Better LOD system too

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I don't buy it for a moment .. It all-new could be twisted to mean other things too.. I'm sorry but this is the same engine just modded to have a new animation system and shadowing.. as well as some other things


Kind of odd because what I've seen from the Gamebyro tech, it would probably be glitchy with what they are doing. Tech can only advance so far and I doubt it could go into a Skyrim-like engine. That is why that rebuilt it. It may seem like Gamebyro on the cover but on the inside its the Creation Engine.



Maybe your right and I hope you are .. But looking at the screenshots it looks like Fallout with shadows. Maybe its just the art assets and they are being made by the same modelers .. But the renders look exactly the same aside from the shadows... a Better LOD system too


Keep in mind this is still the same team of developers, and likely many of the same artists, too. Just more of them. The engine can only account for so much; ultimately it's gonna look a bit like "Fallout 3 with shadows" no matter what. Especially considering how much they say, "Well, we liked [insert FO3 feature], so we [based this on it/used the same thing/copy pasted the Wazer Wifle] in Skyrim."


...What I wouldn't give for that last one. Then again, flamethrower hands kinda trump lasers.

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