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fully aware but figure id give it a shot


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people post mod request all the time and usually someone only makes the mod if they already thought about doing it b4 hand. as a moder i fully understand this


I am hoping someone more talented then i reads this and pics this up.


Auron is one of my favorite final fantasy characters of all time. many people have requested a mod that brings him into skyrim but no one is willing to take time and make him themselfs. In my searches i found some 3d files of auron that can be used in the creation kit. i have tried multiple times to create him but that is just beyond my current knowledge.


If someone could assist me or even make a "guide" as to what i must do to create him i would be more than happy to finish where "grotesque" and "Frozen-Knight" left off.


I want to make him. im willing to do the work. i just need to know the correct way to do it


also the file is 2.32mbs which is apperinently to big to upload so if you want it let me no im more than happy to send it out

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grotesque was the one who originally made the 3d files. "Frozen-Knight attempted to bring it into skyrim.

"Frozen-Knight' gave me permission to use the file under the condition that they both recieve credit.

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grotesque was the one who originally made the 3d files. "Frozen-Knight attempted to bring it into skyrim.

"Frozen-Knight' gave me permission to use the file under the condition that they both recieve credit.

okay cool

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