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What is priority #1 when you leave the vault?


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I put this in the spoilers section so there's nothing off limits. What's the first non mod related thing you do when you leave the vault?


First thing i do is hit Springvale and loot everything i can find out of the mail boxes and other containers and basically grab anything that can be sold. Next i shoot the damn Eyebot. Then i usually go talk to the hooker chick in the house and try to speech check 400 caps out of her, and depending on if i'm good or evil she might get killed and her house might get looted. Then it's off to the school to kill the raiders there and loot as much as i can carry back before i go to Megaton...this way i've at least got a starting point to sell some stuff when i get there. Then usually the first quests i do are the Survival Guide quests because they give you some good starting experience and get you branched out decently far into the map. I usually don't start the main quest until i'm bored and feel like hearing some radio.

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Strong personal preference for Good-aligned Characters here.


I load up on stuff like all the armour and weapons that Vault 101 'hostiles' were carrying, plus extras (Bobby Pins from Amata's room, for example, which have no Karma loss). May not seem like a lot of money, but it's all good.


Oh, yeah, also plenty of chances to pick up Radroach Meat. I do so, not as good as Stimpacks, but still worthwhile.


Straight to Megaton to sell most of this stuff off. Use most of that money to pay what's-his-name at the tavern for information about Dad. Ok, I know that isn't a very cost-effective way to go, but it seems the most appropriate to me in story terms.


In mildly varying order, fix those Leaky Pipes, do the first couple of Survival Guide quests, and the Burke + Bomb Quests. Get the House as soon as possible, if just because I need a place to sleep and keep extra stuff. Plenty of options for bases and so forth elsewhere, but as long as I'm buying / selling in Megaton, I might as well live there.


Start looting Springdale and the immediate area, using the proceeds to build up firepower and stimpacks. Then go after the raiders in Springdale School. Plenty of stuff there for re-sale - raider armours can fetch good money.


At this early stage, I tend to vacuum up EVERYTHING, if just for the monetary value. If running out of space, I'll use Repair (always a Tag Skill) to do repair / merges of some items. Overall, I might lose a bit of money by doing so, but it provides a faster and more dependable return than constant cacheing.


Having built up the fundamentals (skill, armour, firepower, healing), then I'll start exploring further out. Moira's Survival Guide is an early incentive, with the Arefu quest also being worked up towards.


Oh yeah, and I stay well away from Grayditch until I've gotten a few levels and some serious firepower. Those damn Fire Ants are NASTY buggers.

Edited by 7thsealord
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I'm currently playing a completely vanilla play through again...which is quite a change. The exception is i use a weight cheat because the one thing i just can't stand is not being able to carry everything...for me there's nothing to be gained from having to go back and forth 4 times hauling loot...that takes away playing time and i don't have a lot of gaming time, so that's one area i don't mind cheating at. It still forces you to do a lot of roaming looking for people to sell stuff to.


One thing i like to do is trek my way out to get Ol' Painless...that's a fantastic early game weapon. It uses cheap ammo, has 0 spread and is decently powerful and makes for a great early-mid game sniping weapon. The only other weapon i would make a priority of getting is Lincoln's Repeater, but finding enough ammo early in the game is tough so Ol' Painless gets my vote.

Edited by Evil D
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I immediately go take out Moriarty with a billy club. I don't go straight to GNR/Three dog because the resistance in downtown is too severe. Also it is annoying that when you get to three dog, he wants you to run off and get him a relay and doesn't tell you any useful info.

I prefer to do the "Wasteland Survival Guide" quests to outfit myself (early sniper rifle in minefield). Then I talk to Lucy and go wipe out the family, you can get good early gear there (Shishkebab-flame sword and +5 barter coat). Then I mop up the fire ants in Gray ditch (ant pheromone). The wasteland quest to rivet city allows me to bypass 3 dog and tie up some other quest lines also (including the wedding). If the BoS (Brotherhood of Steel) initiate catches up to me, I will reverse pickpocket better armor and weapon onto him. The weight limit is annoying, I might try a pack mule mod.

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I used to be hardcore about immersion and i thought using a weight mod would take away from the playing experience...but honestly it has added to it. For me there's more of a break in immersion when i have to run back and forth collecting small batches of loot, sell it, sleep, repeat just to get some cash in my pocket because i find i'm doing that instead of playing the quests and enjoying the storyline. For balance, i do limit myself to usually 3 weapons...a sniping weapon, an automatic for those "oh crap" moments and usually a few nuka grenades. This gives me a long range, close quarters lead slinging weapon, and a powerful explosive, and most of my characters are skilled in unarmed for close quarters silent killing. This allows me to travel really light in my inventory so i'm not packing around a minigun and a fatman and a bunch of unrealistic stuff. Basically i just try to use the weight cheat to haul in loot.
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i will kill everyone in the vault when i get the mission that makes me go back to the vault when i leave 101 i go straight to megaton and do a little of the survival guide mission after a bit i do main story then back to survivle plus i kill people
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I tend to go straight to Megaton and start the survival guide, and don't end a part until I'm able to complete the optional part. While waiting to level up to be able to acquire skills and perks to complete the guide, I will do the main quest, skipping Threedog for the weapons cache later.
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