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LHammonds CS Tutorial


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Does anyone know if there is a tutorial out there for a noob to learn the Construction Set? I seem to remember seeing somewhere that LHammonds had written one, but cannot remember where to find it. Please let me know if he has one or if there is another that you can recommend. Thanks a lot.
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The best thing you possibly could do is just sit there in front of the CS and try to figure it out yourself. I think all the tutorials written for the CS are either too complicated or are just confusing people by connecting some parts with others that werent mentioned before. There are some that can pinpoint you if you got stuck somewhere, but if you ask me (what you didnt of course) you need "plenty" of time to know it and learn half of the content.(wich is really huge)

I did that and in the end i know its secrets (most of them, still dont know all the scripting references and variables wich are also a huge part, if not the most important part). CS isnt that complicated like someone might assume, its just overloaded with content and you can lose yourself inside all of it with ease.

In any way, its like lego bricks if your doing interior cells(if its logical enough to describe it like that), but thats only the easy part, moving around and the general knowledge you need to make mods out of its use isnt much or in some cases inconclusive. It all depends on the basics wich can be sometimes hard and confusing for our folks, but if you manage to learn them, the following parts are very easy, and its all connected inside the the whole web of the content that you might find.


You absolutely dont need to follow or do it like me, its only a fact that folks learn the best and most of it when trying to figure it out on there own, so where do we need to start to help you understand the vast content CS has to offer? I dont know and could not pinpoint you to any directions, some where trying to figure out the movements, tabs, windows and hotkeys first(wich would be a good starting point), some jumped into the world and cell building system(thats how i started), some jumped directly into the scripting system, some where editing the default preferences, the game settings, so its very individual where to start.

There are some good tutorial where to begin, but its all pretty optional and idividual i might add. I furthermore dont know if you have any knowledge about it, so write down whats bothering you the most and we will try to help you out.


I hope i made a point and this reply was at least somewhat useful for you. If not, i apologize for the misunderstanding and confusion i made!

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Thanks, Lexx. Your response was very helpful. Gary is the one attempting to learn the CS. He has been doing just what you suggest. i.e trying to do it on his own. We have had a couple of very helpful lessons from Sly and from Aurilius. Were just wondering if there was a handy guide out there that he could use as a reference. He is primarily interested in learning how to enchant items and then how to place them in the game. He has had some success, but still gets frustrated sometimes and was hoping that a guidebook might help him along.


Thank you again for responding. Really appreciate it. See you later.

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The only part of the CS you really need a tutorial for is the very first steps: Learning how to open a .esp and move the camera. You'll find the Beginner's Guide on the CS Wiki. You can probably stop going through it after the first page, the Primer, and begin toying with the program itself to learn about the uses of it and its functions.
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