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I need help with Multiple Oblivion Manager's swap function.


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At random times it fails and the error says that the file is being used by another process. The only "workaround" so far is to reboot which really annoys me. My OS is Vista Home Premium 32bit and the game is installed outside of program files.

I tried getting full access of the folder via its properties but it didn't work (maybe I did it wrong, I'm not sure). I'm out of ideas here so any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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This error also occurs with mTES4 Manager, so I will assume the cause is the same on your case:


Close ALL instances (windows) of the Windows Explorer (File Manager) before swapping profiles. mTES4 Manager cannot swap profiles if the current profile's Game directory is open or active in the Windows Explorer, and since this is not a bug in mTES4 but something inherent to Windows Explorer (for instance, you cannot delete a folder if the contents of that folder are visible in the Windows Explorer view window), I assume MOM has the same limitation.


If that's not the cause of your issue, I'm sorry, I cannot provide any other workaround.



Edited by IkeCoast
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Thanks for the reply!


Nah,that's not it but I forgot to mention that it happens only after I use OBMM and/or Wrye Bash (I can't believe I forgot to write that down! +_+ ). Still, it's random enough because there are instances when I did use them and then managed to swap the image just fine. That's what troubles me, I can't really pinpoint the problem.

I tried once with Wrye installed outside of the Oblivion folder and I got the error, maybe I'll try that again but also install OBMM out of the folder.

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Try this ... always open another program and then close it before opening MOM if you use either WB or OBMM beforehand.

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Hey Striker879, thanks for the reply!

I tried it and it didn't work either.


Do you guys know how to make MOM properly detect Wrye? MOM's button for wrye is always greyed out for me for as long as I've been using it. In the readme file it says to redirect MOM to wrye's "BAIN" folder but I don't have such a folder. The second way to use MOM along with Wrye needs to create a BAIN file and copy some files in it so I tried this now too (I couldn't find two of them though because I don't have an "INI Data" folder) but it didn't work either.

I don't think Wrye is the culprit but I thought I should give this a shot.

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I never had any luck getting WB and MOM to work together myself (the profiles didn't work) but I must admit it was when I first started using Wrye so I was mostly fumbling around in the dark.


As far as I know the "BAIN" folder you're looking for is the "Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers" folder.

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Thanks! I fixed MOM's settings but I don't see any differences to be honest. Maybe the author had something in mind but left it out. Oh well, at least now I know which one is the BAIN folder. xD

Anyway, so far nothing works. If I won't get any more ideas to try out I'll just mod my Oblivion again and keep using the reboot "workaround". +_+

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I use the WB Save Profiles in place of MOM's profiles, though it doesn't seem to handle the activating/deactivating each profile's load list like it should (if I understood the description on the Advanced Readme correctly). Haven't used it extensively enough to bother digging into it in detail as at present I only have one main character on the go.


Back when I used MOM I had two characters I'd switch between fairly frequently, plus some MOM profiles I'd use for mod testing. I currently have a WB Saves profile for mod testing but any mods I've tested of late have been ones I wanted for my main character, so it's made more sense to test using his load list rather than the testing profile's stripped down load list.

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WB's profile function had a bug though that would mess oblivion's .ini structure (I could still play but it was worrying me). Have they fixed that yet?

It's ok, I can deal with rebooting I guess. It's just that many times it makes me lose my motivation (when I'm working on a wip for example). Better than nothing I guess.

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No my Oblivion.ini is still one big long string of settings (i.e. it has lost all of it's newlines so it's just one long line). I generally use Notepad's Edit menu Find to navigate to anything I want to check anyway, so it's not that big a deal for me (the INI still works OK, just looks a mess).

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