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Super Snowy Skyrim


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http://screenshots.filesnetwork.com/95/others/skyrim.jpg - skyrim

what do you think of skyrim?

I personally feel that it being small is a good thing as they can add detail and create a unique area which I can explore unlike oblivion with its billion caves that were all identical, they can create different and unique caves.

about caves I think they should make some of the giant so the dragons can walk about in them.

I hope its not too snowy and im not hating on oblivion its one of my favourite games of all time, just thought it lacked uniqueness.

anyway what do you think?

sorry about the English.

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I think Skyrim is too small. Numerous games have made much larger maps and still had a good level of detail and lots of interesting things packed into them. I prefer large gameworlds to explore. Skyrim appears to be smaller than Cyrodiil, and Cyrodiil was small enough at only 16 Square kilometres.
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I think Skyrim is too small. Numerous games have made much larger maps and still had a good level of detail and lots of interesting things packed into them. I prefer large gameworlds to explore. Skyrim appears to be smaller than Cyrodiil, and Cyrodiil was small enough at only 16 Square kilometres.


Well, the actual size of cyrodiil in Oblivion has very little to do with the size of Skyrim in TES:V. What I mean with this is that they don't necessarily have to stick to the "scale" of the world map.

My guess is that this map will be bigger than TES:IV map.

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If they took fast travel out and had other modes of transport like horse and cart, boats and maybe even dragons. because when i 1st had oblivion i only found out that there was fast travel a few missions into the game, and by god did it take long to get around?
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daggerfall (the second game) made hammerfell (or whatever country it was) larger than the size of england.


vardenfell (the huge island in morrowind) was only slightly smaller than cyrodil in oblivion (it also felt much bigger)



the scale WILL change, if skyrim is on the same scale of oblivion then the mountains will be tiny and pathetic


it is most likely that skyrim will be between 1.5 and 4x the size of cyrodil (in oblivion)

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I disliked the vanilla Oblivion world in that it was so simplified with one major, central city located at the bottom of a large valley, in other words: visible from almost everywhere. I never really had the feeling that I was far out in the wilderness and you surely couldn't get lost anywhere. I really hope that they will go for a more varied world concept and that (whatever Skyrim's true size may be,) they will make it at least FEEL a lot larger than Oblivion.


Next to that, if you look at the past couple of TES and Fallout games, the content is pretty condensed in small landmasses; you stumble over dungeons everywhere; I would really like them to add more 'nothingness' in-between and go for a much larger game world. It would add so much more immersion to the game experience.

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I hope skyrim isn't all snow and rocks I think that might be a bit boring, is there fields and all that.

I liked how oblivion had a mixture of all provinces.


I'm sure there is going to be plenty of snow, but, like someone already said, you can rest assured that white won't be the only colour in your background.

Most snowy and mountainous regions are followed by depressed valleys with plenty of green vegetation, pines and flora of the like.

Here a couple of examples:


http://d.imagehost.org/t/0081/norway.jpg http://b.imagehost.org/t/0180/Norway_1.jpg http://b.imagehost.org/t/0851/p316096-BARILOCHE_IS_ONLY_6_HOURS_AWAY_BY_BUS.jpg http://b.imagehost.org/t/0510/bariloche11.jpg http://d.imagehost.org/t/0246/bariloche.jpg


The first two pictures are from Norway, the others were taken from Bariloche (a city in southern part of Argentina).

Hopefully bethesda will give us a good lake, that would surely add a lot to the whole image of the landscape.


Of course, don't expect to see any swaps or tropical beaches. Though we'll probably get to see one kind of coastal side, one quite similar to the ones seen along the Barrent sea:


Edited by zombie00
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Honestly, Oblivion was very small compared to what it really would be in the lore map I'm assuming. I would guess that bethesda will attempt to make Skyrim on an accurate scale. I'm sure cities will be much larger and the population will increase by a lot as well.
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