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"Floating head" when exporting through blender (New Vegas)


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Hey guys


I just finished doing my first body


now there's one problem, when i go to test it out in NV, i get the whole "floating head" thing


I figured out it's a problem with the export process because i took a body nif that i knew work and exported through blender and i got the same results.



I'm using blender 2.49, Python 2.6.2. and Blender Nif scripts v2.5.5


And I use the "fallout 3" option with default settings when exporting with blender...


anyone have any suggestions that will fix this??



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After export, make sure you go through the NifSkope spells menu to cleanup / optimize the mesh such as removing bones that are not used / referenced.


Also, make sure you are not mis-configuring anything in GECK. Since you are modifying the base body, make sure you are not wearing any custom clothes and head gear to minimize troubleshooting.


I'm fairly useless beyond those tips...I don't mod FO3.



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Ok about when u have a floating head.


I think u can get it different ways but one way is that if i go in and turn off shadow map shader flag on all my strips.


I get just the head and hands and if i look around i might be able to see a twisted mass floating in the air that is all of my other armor parts.

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