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My Custom Build Specifications

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I'm going to be honest, this seems like a waste.

An i7 for gaming? A Blu Ray Drive? LEDs? A G19? A RAT7 ? A wireless USB adapter AND a wireless card? A sound card? 24 freaking GB of RAM?


I mean, you're never going to utilize all of it, and even by the time you do it'll be worth less than a thousand. I think it's cool that you're getting a wish, but really, get a car or something else nice and spend $1000 on a computer. It'll perform just as well for any game you'll play in the near future and won't depreciate in value by 800% percent.


Either way, good luck.

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The thing is, I don't care about cars and already have transportation I can use for when I start college. This computer isn't just for gaming, its for development. I'm going to be a game designer and for that you need a speedy computer, which is exactly what this is. I'm having a studio built in one of the rooms downstairs as well and software purchased so I can design meshes and record audio. This computer is actually quite necessary for my career pathway.
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The thing is, I don't care about cars and already have transportation I can use for when I start college. This computer isn't just for gaming, its for development. I'm going to be a game designer and for that you need a speedy computer, which is exactly what this is. I'm having a studio built in one of the rooms downstairs as well and software purchased so I can design meshes and record audio. This computer is actually quite necessary for my career pathway.

So you're going to be a modeler? Alright, I can see that.


-If you're really serious about it, get a workstation graphics card. (like a nvidia quadro)

Run it alongside (But not in SLI) a normal graphics card like a GTX 580. You'll get amazing performance in both development and gaming.


-Drop to 12GB of ram. It's still more than enough to do anything. 24 just seems ridiculous.


-Get a high performing ~120GB SSD. Use it for your OS and applications.


-Get multiple 1TB drives. They're a lot more reliable than a 2TB.


-Ditch the first optical drive unless you plan on copying A LOT of media.


-Loose the wireless USB adapter, you already have a wireless card.


-The Logitech G19... ehhh. As far as membrane keyboards go they're nice, but if you're going to spend so much on the computer why not get superior peripherals? A mechanical keyoard like a Das would be amazing. http://www.daskeyboard.com/


-If you're going to be gaming, get THREE monitors. They work a lot nicer as you have a clear view at the center of the screen. (eg, it isn't splitting you off right at the crossair)


-I'm not sure how much the HDMI cable is, but don't spend over $5. When you're dealing with digital signal there's no difference in quality.


-Don't get an i7 YET. The new intel sandybridge CPUs are out in Janurary and will perform noticeably better. They're on a new socket as well, and are even more expensive than current i7. (I'm sure you will like that)

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you are going to build powerful PC, but your motherboard chipset is more than two years old. as suggested above, you should waiting the next generation of PC..

I think, there is no application need 24GB of memory, because limited of speed of processor. with your planning system you need increase your Processor speed if you wish to be speedy computer. not memory, maybe more than 5 GHZ of Core i7 willbe awesome. :thumbsup:

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I'm just getting the most out of IBP's website, plus I won't be getting the my wish until february or so, so I will be updating the specs when they add more powerful machinery to the list. I'm going to get as much as I can out of this computer seeing as its completely free and provided by make a wish foundation, so why not have 24 gb of memory. I can understand your concerns, but money isn't a problem and to me I prefer to have more than less in a computer.
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I'm just getting the most out of IBP's website, plus I won't be getting the my wish until february or so, so I will be updating the specs when they add more powerful machinery to the list. I'm going to get as much as I can out of this computer seeing as its completely free and provided by make a wish foundation, so why not have 24 gb of memory. I can understand your concerns, but money isn't a problem and to me I prefer to have more than less in a computer.

That's great. :thumbsup:.. you are free to use 24GB, cause I dont know what happened in the next year, is there any applications using it.. Ive heard that the next generation of PC we can use "four-channel" memory..

as suggested Mr urbex, you need SSD. you can use RAID0 configuration, so you need more than one SSD..

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I'm using RAID0 with 2 SSD for this computer.

And you should improve RAID 0 with Enabling Write-Back Cache.


You can improve the read/write performance of a RAID or recovery volume by enabling the write-back cache on one or all volumes on an array. When this feature is enabled, data may be temporarily stored in the cache memory before being written to the physical disks. Multiple I/O requests may be grouped together to improve performance. By default, the write-back cache is disabled.

Warning : While this feature highly improves the volume and array performance, it also increases the amount of cached data that could be lost in the event of power failure. This risk can be lowered if your computer is connected to uninterruptible power suplly (UPS)

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A computer system has to be able to enter the cloud and to connect to a network from start...


EFI is an important part of your system:


Extensive Firmware Interface is the next generation thing and will be supported by many mainboards and be an essentail part of the chipset...




EFI is not very popular and was formerly for apple products only. MSI is the only company which provides EFI mainboards for computers...

Edited by Valasthor
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