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Game Setting: "FMaxArmorRating"


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So a while back I requested a mod to permanently change a 'gs' game setting. I am getting annoyed having to type in: "setgs fmaxarmorrating 350" everytime i boot up oblivion. I have tried wrye bash but it's hard. Any scripts? mods? Guide for me? I currently have heavily enchanted armor which gives me a 169 heavy armor rating. and for a future armor will be more so the setting should be at a high number like 350 so i can see the actual rating rather than the vanilla 85 cap

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Looking at what the CS Wiki says about fMaxArmorRating makes me think you'd be wanting to set it to zero to remove the cap completely.


I ran into a similar situation when I wanted to change the cell respawn time to more than 3 days. From the console the change wouldn't "stick" between game sessions. By using a simple quest script I now have the cell reset at 15 days. The script itself is a Quest script:


ScriptName MyRespawnScript
SetNumericGameSetting ihourstorespawncell 360
and on the Quest tab the following settings:
Quest Name - My Respawn Quest
Priority - 60
Script - MyRespawnScript
Ticked - Start Game Enabled
You would want to change the "ihourstorespawncell 360" part to "fmaxarmorrating 0" (no quote marks) and change the script name to something more appropriate. I run this quest as part of my own MyTweaks.esp but you could add the quest and script to any mod that you will always be running if you don't want to create your own mod.
One thing to note when creating the script in the Construction Set ... don't Recompile All. Have a look at the CS Wiki My First Script mini-tutorial to get started.
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Huh thanks for the input. I'll be sure to try if probably this weekend. I'll then reply my results. I have experience with GECK (NV Edition) and Have worked a little bit with the TES Constriction Set. I like having "Power/ OP" Characters, In skyrim I have a 5306 Armor Rating. ;P

Edited by Manus812
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The easiest way to launch CS with OBSE would be to use Construction Set Extender by shadeMe. The other way would probably be to launch obse_loader.exe with -editor argument, using a shortcut, for example. So that the line in the shortcut that defines the location of the executable ends a bit like this:


...\obse_loader.exe" -editor


Hopefully that helps a little. If it works, that is...

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Yes, if you right click on your Construction Set desktop icon and select Properties you'll be presented with a Windows dialogue (the Shortcut tab should already be selected ... if not switch to the Shortcut tab). You'll see a field named Target that has the path to your TESConstructionSet.exe (I'm on WinXP so Win 7 may call that field something else but you will see it ends in TESConstructionSet.exe). Change the TESConstructionSet part to read obse_loader (so it will now be "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe") and then add -editor after the final quote mark (so the complete Target field would be "C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor if you installed your game to C:\Games ... if it's in C:\Program Files (x86) then that part of your Target field should reflect that). All you need to do is change the last part to obse_loader.exe" -editor .


- Edit - Not sure if you noticed or not, but Philippe has been busy ... Sensible Settings.

Edited by Striker879
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Hm the Target field is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\TESConstructionSet.exe" and when i replace "TESConstructionSet.exe" with "obse_loader.exe" -editor says it doesn't exist? My oblivion SteamApps common looks like this: Capture.PNG

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Hmm ... I see that you have obse_loader.exe in the right place. Where did the obse_loader -editor batch file come from? Could you do a copy/paste of the exact path from the Windows Properties dialogue (open the Properties dialogue for the CS shortcut and with the Target field highlighted hit Ctrl + C to copy and then paste (Ctrl + V) that into your post ... just looking for anything like a misplaced quote mark, misspelling etc).


I don't see obse_editor_1_2.dll though ... it's also required. Copy it from the extracted OBSE download to the same folder as obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_steam_loader.dll.

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